Computing Hardware


Flashcards by sutherland.r18, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by sutherland.r18 over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What does CPU stand for? Computer Processing Unit
What does RAM stand for? Random Access Memory
Which is volatile memory RAM or ROM? RAM
What is the largest unit of storage? Terabyte
Name 3 input devices? Keyboard, mousse, microphone, sensor.....
Give me 2 facts about cashe? Volatile, Acts as a buffer, larger cashe is better, ashe sits between main memory and CPU.
What is clock speed measured in? Hz
What does Rom stand for? Read Only Memory
What is the purpose of CPU? The purpose of the CPU is that it controls everything in the computer and it processes data by getting fetch, decode and execute instructions from RAM.
Name 2 types of secondary storage? Hard disk drive, flash disk drive, SSD.....
What is cashe a fast form of? RAM
What could someone with disabilities use if they find using a normal computer hard? Visual Impairment Accessibility Kit
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