Inhibitory Transmission 1


Degree Neuropharmacology Flashcards on Inhibitory Transmission 1, created by Anna mph on 15/12/2015.
Anna mph
Flashcards by Anna mph, updated more than 1 year ago
Anna mph
Created by Anna mph almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Describe how GABA is synthesised Glutamine is converted to Glutamate (via Glutanimase). Glutamate is converted to GABA (Via Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase)
Where would you find GABA in long projecting neurons? From the striatum to the globus pallidus and the substantia nigra
How are the actions of GABA terminated? Re-uptake into presynaptic terminals and glial cells by GABA transporters.
What is GABA broken down by? GABA Transanimase
What products of the breakdown of GABA? Succinic semialdehyde and Glutamate
How are succinic aldehyde and Glutamate broken down? Succininc semialdehyde is broken down to succinate and by 'SSA dehyrdalase'. Glutamate is converted into glutamine by '2-oxoglutarate'.
What type of channel is a GABAa channel? Ligand gated
Which ions flow through a GABAa channel? Cl-
Where are GABAa channels found? Postsynaptically
What type of channel are GABAb channels? G protein coupled
Where are GABAb channels located Pre and Post synaptically
What is the structure of a GABA receptor? Pentameric
What is the most common combination of subunits? 2a, 2b, 1y
How many different types of a, B and Y are there? a1-a6 B1-B3 Y1-Y3
Which are the most abundant of each subunit? a1 B2 Y2
Where do GABA, agonists and competitive antagonists bind? At the aB interface
Where do Benzodiazepines bind? At the ay interface
At which class of receptor (GABAa of GABAb) do barbiturates, neurosteroids, general anaesthetics and ethanol bind? GABAa
Which class of y subunits are required for benzodiazepine sensitivity? y2
Which a subunits are insensitive to benzodiazepines? a4 and a6
What effect do benzodiazepines have if the GABAa receptor contains a a1 subunit? Sedation and amnesia
If the GABAa receptor contains a2 or a3 subunits what effect do benzodiazepines have? Anxiolytic
How many subunits does the GABAb receptor have? What are they? 2 - GABAb1 and GABAb2
What is the function of each subunit? GABAb1 binds to GABA, GABAb2 binds to the G-protein
Which G protein is the GABAb receptor attached to? Gi/o
What are the effects of the Gi/o protein activation? BY subunit activates VG K+ channel, inhibits VG Ca2+ channel. a subunit decreases cAMP
Name a GABAb agonist? Baclofen
What does Baclofen do? Used to treat spasticity (hypertonia) Could be used to relieve withdrawal symptoms
Which is more important for preventing seizures? GABAa or GABAb? GABAa
What two things are possible actions of GABAb antagonists? 1) Not pro-convulsants 2) May enhance cognition
Which receptor subtype is responsible for which part of the current? A) GABAa 'fast' response B) GABAb 'slow' ressponse
At which part of the neuron are GABA receptors most useful in relation to blocking the effects of GLUTAMATE receptors? Closer to the soma.
What is the precursor to glycine? Serine
What are the two different glycine transporters and where are they found? GlyT1 (Astrocytes) GlyT2 (Glycinergic neurons of spinal cord, brain stem and cerebellum)
Where is Glycine a co-agonist? NMDA glutamate receptors
Which ion passes through Glycine channels? Cl-
What is the general structure of a glycine receptor and which subunits can it be composed of? Pentameric a(1-4) B1
What are the most likely combinations of subunits? 2a/3B 3a/2B
What is Stychine? Glycine antagonist which is a convulsant
What also potentiates Glycine receptors? Modulators of GABAa (e.g. general anaesthetics and benzodiazepines)
What is HYPEREKPLEXIA What is it linked to? Exaggerated startle response to tactile or acoustic stimuli. Mutations in genes for glycine receptor or proteins linked to glycine transporter
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