Excitatory amino acids - AMPA and Kainate receptors subtypes


Degree Neuropharmacology Flashcards on Excitatory amino acids - AMPA and Kainate receptors subtypes, created by Anna mph on 18/12/2015.
Anna mph
Flashcards by Anna mph, updated more than 1 year ago
Anna mph
Created by Anna mph almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
How does the topology and amino acid sequence vary between NMDAR and AMPA/Kainate receptors? Topology is the same - amino acid sequence different.
Where is the Q/R site and what does it determine? Located on the TM2 loop, determines permeability to Ca2+
What is the structure of the AMPA receptors? What are the constitutional subunits? Tetrameter - GluA1-4
What is the endogenous agonist which binds to AMPAR and Kainate receptors? Glutamate
What are the subunits which make up a kainate receptor? Which subunits can not form a functional receptor if they are the sole subunit? GluK1-5 GluK4 and GluK5 can't form a functional receptor on their own >> receptor won't make it to the surface.
What shape is the Amino terminal domain in an GluA2 tetramer? And the LBD? Clam shell (V), same but at 90 degrees to each other (<
What is the structure of the transmembrane domain similar to? Inverted K+ channel pore
What type of synaptic transmission do AMPA receptors mediate? fast
Which ions pass through an AMPA receptor? Na+ in (Ca2+ in sometimes) K+ out
Why do GluA2 receptors have relatively low Ca2+ permeability? Positively charged arginine (R) residue is expressed rather than neutral glutamine (Q)
What percentage of GluA2 receptors are edited to express the arginine (R) residue? 99%
What are the molecules on the Q/R site? What effect do they have? Q - Spermidine, +ve charge, blocks the channel R - Arginine residue, +ve charge inhibits spermidine block
What type of current is seen in a GluA2Q/GluK2Q (neutral glutamine at Q/R site). What happens at positive membrane potentials up to 80mV? 1)Inwardly rectifying - more inward current than outward. 2)Little outward current as channel is blocked on the inside by polyamines - outward current increases around +80mV because large +tive current unblocks channel.
What is the current like through GluA2R or GluK2R (R edited +charge at Q/R site)? Why? Straight line current - no rectification. Charged arginine prevents polyamine (spermidine) from causing a block.
Name three endogenous AMPA agonists - which is the partial? Glutamate AMPA Kainate (partial)
What is NBQX? Competitive AMPAR antagonist
What does AMPA cause at at AMPARs? Fast desnsitisation
What is perampanel? AMPAR negative allosteric modulator
What type of drug is Cyclothiazide? What does it do? 1) Amapkine 2) Positive allosteric modulator - inhibits glutamate-induced fast desnsitisation
What are the differences in terms of current/desensitisation induced by Kainate and 5-fluorowillardine (or AMPA)? Kainate produces small steady current with no desensitisation. F-W or AMPA produce large peak current which rapidly desensitises.
Explain the structure of the ligand binding zone (S1S2) in terms of dimers. S1 and S2 are both made up of a set of D1 and D2. D1 sits on top of D2. The two pairs face each other so D1 faces D1 and D2 faces D2.
Through which part of the dimer that makes up S1 and S2 is the majority of the dimer assembled? D1
What happens when glutamate binds in between D1 and D2? D2 moves up towards D1, causing the linkers holding D2 to the membrane to open outwards in scissor like motion allowing the pore to open.
How does desensitisation occur regarding the dimer? The dimer undergoes a conformational change causing the bonds between D1 to change. A rotation of one of the paris of the subunits around the axis relieves the strain on the linkers causing the pore to close.
Which is more potent: LY404187 or cyclothiazedine? LY404187
How do positive allosteric modulators (AMPAKINES) enhance the effect of agonists? Block desensitisation of AMPARs.
Where do ampakines bind? What effect does this have? LBD interface - Between D1 units of the dimer. Stabilises reactions between D1 regions and prevents the conformational change which leads to desensitisation.
What affect do ampakines have on NMDARs? Increase recruitment of NMDARs by increasing current through AMPARs (because that removes the Mg2+ block)
What other effect does increased current through AMPARs have? Leads to greater depolarisation of membrane which can activate voltage-dependent calcium channels.
What are the potential therapeutic uses of ampakines? What is this based on? 1) Improve cognitive impairment caused by neurodegenerative diseases (parkinson's, alzheimer's), schizophrenia and sleep deprivation 2) Ampakines facilitate LTP. Showed improvement in animal models of learning and memory.
Where is it thought that NAMs bind to AMPARs? How do they work? Bind between TM1 and TM4 adjacent to the peptide linker which connect the Transmembrane region to the ligand binding region. 'Clamps' the ion channel shut.
What is a therapeutic use of perampanel? anti-convulsant - treatment for partial seizures.
Where are Kainate receptors expresses? (3) (GluK1?) 1)Dorsal root fibres 2) GluK1 expressed in C nociceptive fibres (involved in pain transmission) 3) Hippocampus
What type of transmission are kainate receptors involved in in the hippocampus? High frequency
What ions are kainate receptors permeable to and what does this depend on? Na+ in, Ca2+ in (depending on Q/R editing state), K+ out.
Where are kainate receptors located in the hippocampus? pre synaptically on CA3 mossy fibres
What does activation of the kainate receptors in the CA3 mossy fibres lead to? (2) 1) Increased glutamate release 2) Induction of NMDAR independent LTP synaptic transmission
What effect does kainate have at kainate receptors? Agonist - desensitizing.
What is Domoate? What effect does it have at AMPAR? Domoate is a desensitizing agonist at kainate receptors. At AMPAR it is a partial agonist with no desensitising effect.
What are CNQX and ACET? How do they differ in terms of selectivity? Competitive antagonists at kainate receptor. ACET is selective for GluK1 subunit. CNQX is also an competitive antagonist at NMDAR and AMPAR.
Where can Kainate be extracted from and what can it be used for? Red algae and anthelmintic (expels worms)
What does lectin concanavalin A (con A) do? What is it? Blocks kainate induced desensitization. Plant
How has it been shown in CA3 mossy fibres that KAR are responsible for LTP? D-AP5 (NMDAR antag.) didn't block LTP ACET (Gluk1 antag) blocked LTP
How might the KAR (Gluk1) be involved in glut release and why is this a positive feedback loop? Calcium permeable > Influx calcium leads to glutamate release> Increased glutamate leads to further activation of KAR > More calcium current more glutamate release and so on.
What might the Ca2+ induced release of glutamate via KAR underly? Long-term synaptic potentiation of synaptic transmission in the MF-CA3 pathway.
What are the 3 potential therapeutic uses of Kainate receptor antagonists? 1) Epilepsy 2) Neuropathic pain 3) Migraines
How might KAR antagonists work to prevent epilepsy? Prevent epileptogenesis. Blocks convulsions in animal models of epilepsy.
How might KAR antagonists work in neuropathic pain? GluK1 is expressed in C nociceptive fibres - block them with antagonist to prevent transmission.
How might KAR antagonists work to treat migraines? Gluk1 receptors present on trigeminal neurons (major part of pathway). Antagonists block pain responses in animal models of migraine.
What is sumatriptan? What does it treat? 5-HT agonist, reduces vascular inflammation associated with migraine.
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