Created by carlyreier
over 11 years ago
Question | Answer |
Actualizing Tendency | the driving force in everyone's life (motivation) |
Organismic Valuing Process | experiences that satisfy the actualizing tendency make the person feel better about themselves |
Phenomenological Reality | how people interpret things is the only reality |
Emergence of the Self | a person can reflect on himself as a distinct object of which he is aware. emerges as a child. |
Conditions of Worth | develop when unconditional positive regard is not present |
Incongruency | exists when people no longer use their organismic valuing process, actions become incongruent with actualizing tendency |
Real self v. ideal self | who you are and how you act, how you wish you were in an ideal setting |
Q-sort Technique | choose statements that describe them from 100 cards; identifies self and ideal self |
criticisms | refused to credit theorists that influenced his theory, simplistic approach, important parts of personality ignored or denied |
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