
European School, Ms Humphries, S5
Flashcards by Juliet, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by Juliet almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
pH Scale/Universal Indicator - exact pH (0-14) - power of hydrogen acid-red neutral-green base-purple
Oxidation Loss of electrons
Formel hydrochloric acid HCl
Test for carbon dioxide bubble into limewater -> milky white
Effects of acid rain 1. speeds chemical weathering 2. soil acidic 3.lakes acidic 4.waxy coating on leaves
Naming salts 1st part: metal 2nd part: acid
red litmus acidic red neutral red alkaline blue
blue litmus acidic red neutral blue alkaline blue
what is acid rain? lower ph than normal(5.6) sulfure dioxide(power plants) nitrogen oxide(cars) -> in water: acids
Half reaction at cathode Cu2+ + 2e- -> Cu^0
chemical weathering acids in rainwater attack the rock
Formel carbonic acid H2CO3
Formel sulphuric acid H2SO4
Test for hydrogen light wooden stick -> pop
formel nitric acid HN03
hydrochloric acid -> chloride
sulohuric acid -> sulphate
nitric acid -> nitrate
litmus in general acidic red neutral purple alkaline blue
strong acids/bases strong electrolytes - completely dissociated weak electrolytes - incompletely dissociated
Arrhenius theory acids: pro. hydrogen ions H+ (aq) alkali: prod. hydroxide ions OH- (aq)
Arrhenius Theory formal H+(aq) + OH-(aq) -> H20(l)
formel phosphoric acid H3PO4
Difference bases/alkali bases - no dissolving in water alkali - dissolve in water
Reduction Gain of electrons
Reducing agent donates electrons
oxidising agent takes electrons
Aufbau daniell cell galvanic vell 2 half calls connected by salt bridge voltmeter reading cell potential
Half-reaction at anode Zn^0 -Y Zn2+ + 2e-
Acid dissociation formal HX(aq) -> H+(aq) + X-(aq)
Use of salt bridge connects 2 half cells allows flow of ions - competing circuit -> maintains neutrality
what happens in the daniell cell? 1. anode - smaller 2. cathode - larger 3. colour cathode solution fades 4.voltmeter registers reading
alkali dissociation formel MOH(aq) -> M+(aq) + OH-(aq)
Reducing acid rain sulfur dixide: remove gases nitrogen oxide: catalytic converter in cars
Test for oxygen glowing wooden stick relights
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