Waves - Mechanical Waves


This Flashcard deck gives an overview of mechanical waves and their properties
Flashcards by ed.wilson89, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by leonie.examtime almost 11 years ago
Copied by ed.wilson89 almost 11 years ago

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Question Answer
A mechanical wave requires a medium to travel An example of a medium is air or water
When waves travel, they are accompanied by the transfer of energy And with mechanical waves energy is transfered to the medium
This energy propogates in the same direction in which the wave is travelling Although the wave transfers energy, no material is transported by it
An example of a mechanical wave is a wave in the sea or a sound wave It is clear that these waves carry energy, but where does this energy come from?
Because energy cannot be created, these waves require an initial energy input This can be as simple as creating a ripple in a pond with a stone
If the energy input is just applied once, a disturbance of particles occurs at the source This disturbance continues until the destination is reached
However, for a transverse wave if the disturbance at the source continues, the wave is maintained If the disturbance is simple harmonic, a plot of the displacement of the wave at any given point will be a sine curve
A good way to visualise this motion is a bead on a string that is being shaken at one end, and is fixed at the other Think of the bead as an air particle that the wave is using as a medium
If you apply a simple harmonic force to the rope in a virtical direction, you will produce a sine wave When you stop shaking the rope, the bead returns to its original position
This is beause the only thing that moves in the wave is energy The actual particles, after the wave has gone by, have no overall displacement
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