Created by Gian Hernandez
about 9 years ago
Question | Answer |
sacer sacra sacrum | sacred |
saepe | often |
saevus saeva saevum | savage cruel |
saluto salutare salutavi salutatus | greet |
sanguis sanguinis, m. | blood |
scio scire scivi scitus | know |
scribo scribere scripsi scriptus | write |
se sui | himself herself itself themselves |
sed | but |
sedeo sedere sedi | sit |
semper | always |
senex senis (m.) | old; old man |
sentio sentire sensi sensus | feel notice |
septem | seven |
servo servare servavi servatus | save look after |
servus servi, m. | slave |
sex | six |
si | if |
sic | thus in this way |
signum signi, n. | sign signal seal |
silva silae, f. | wood |
simulac, simulatque | as soon as |
sine | without |
solus sola solum | alone lonely only on one's own |
specto spectare spectavi spectatus | look at watch |
spes spei, f. | hope |
statim | at once immediately |
sto stare steti | stand |
stultus stulta stultum | stupid foolish |
sub | under beneath |
subito | suddenly |
sum esse sui | be |
summus summa summum | highest greatest top (of) |
supero superare superavi superatus | overcome overpower |
surgo surgere surrexi | rise get up stand up |
suus sua suum | his her its their (own) |
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