1B - DNA + dna replication + RNA/tRNA


Talya Hambling
Flashcards by Talya Hambling, updated more than 1 year ago
Talya Hambling
Created by Talya Hambling over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
what does DNA nucleotide consist of a phosphate group, a pentose sugar (deoxyribose) and a base.
what are the 4 bases Adenine - Thymine Guanine - Cytosine
what does RNA nucleotide consist of a phosphate group, a ribose sugar, and a base
what are the 4 base in RNA Adenine - Uracil (replaces Thymine) Guanine - Cytosine
what is a polynucleotide lots of nucleotides joined together by bonds between the phosphate group and sugar. the bond is called a phosphodiester bond and is created through a condensation reaction.
what is DNA made from 2 polynucleotide strands joined with hydrogen bonds, A-T have 2 hydrogen bonds, and C-G have 3. they are antiparallel.
what is RN made from 1 polynucleotide chain, which is much shorter than DNA chain.
describe semi conservative replication of DNA helicase breaks the hydrogen bonds. free floating nucleotides join to each strand, matching up with complimentary bases. polymerase joins the new strands. each new strand now contains half of the original
why does the polymerase move in opposite directions each strand has a 3' end and a 5' end, opposite to each other. polymerase always moves in a 3' - 5' direction.
what evidence is there for semi conservative replication light and heavy nitrogen were placed in separate tubes of bacteria. light floated to the top and heavy to the bottom. when put together, they stayed in the middle, showing semi conservative replication, since each strand was a mixture of light and heavy.
what are introns DNA bases that don't code for amino acids. these are removed during protein synthesis.
describe the 2 types of RNA mRNA - made during transcription. a single polynucleotide chain. tRNA - used during translation. carries amino acids. also has an anticodon at one end.
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