efficent or effective


Flashcards on efficent or effective , created by 12lucas.m on 21/01/2016.
Flashcards by 12lucas.m, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by 12lucas.m almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Email etiquettes/formal language Effective because it makes you look professional as you use formal language and don't use slang
Inbox Folders junk urgent outbox and drafts are all examples of this they are useful because they sort your email into what they are so that you can get to them easily
email signatures This is a formal piece of equipment as it allows you to sign the bottom of each written email
Automatic reply's Automatically sends an email to the sender letting them know that you are out and wont be able to reply to the email immediately
cc and bcc This is were you copy someone into the email cc is were the main person you send the email to can see who is copied in and bcc is were the person you are sending it to cannot see who has been copied in.
sensible email address This is crucial as it is what people are going to know you as in the email world.
attachments This is were you are able to insert a picture or another document into an email.
address book This is needed for you to be professional as it saves your contacts allowing you to find them easily it allows you to have a favourite book for people you regularly contact
drafts This is were you can plan what you are putting in an email without sending it to the recipient.
inbox rules This is were you can cr5teate different folders to store your emails correctly so they are easily found
urgent emails This is were you send an email to someone with an exclamation mark in it so that the person receiving it can see that it is urgent and needs to be replied to asap.
forward and reply This allows you to send emails to others forward is were you send an email you have been sent to someone else and reply is were you send an email back to the person
subject line This is were you let the person know what the email is about before they open it
exclamation mark This is what you put on the end of an urgent email so that the email goes into there urgent inbox
paper clip This is the button that you click to add an attachment
contacts This is the folder that you have with peoples addresses in it
group emails Group emails is were you have other people all sending emails to one another
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