English Exam Review


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Flashcards by gergessandra156, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by gergessandra156 over 8 years ago

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Question Answer
Short Story a piece of prose fiction that can be read at a shorter period of time.
Plot series of events that make up a story.
exposition section that introduces characters, setting, conflicts.
what does a plot diagram look like? what are the parts to a plot diagram? 1. exposition 2. rising action 3. climax 4. falling action 5.resolution
rising action consists of series of complications.
climax turning point in the story; high point of interest and suspense.
falling action events lead to resolution; suspense decreases.
denouement resolution; end of conflict.
atmosphere mood created by setting; story's plot, emotions.
Character people who participate in the events of the story.
what are the different types of characters? 1. flat character 2. round character 3. static character 4. dynamic character
round character fully developed; has many different character traits.
flat character stereotyped, few traits, one dimensional
static charcter does not change
dynamic character changes as a result of the story's events
what is the difference between major and minor characters? -major: an important figure at the center of the story's action/theme. -minor: main purpose is to support or develop main characters.
characterization the means by which writers present and reveal characters.
protagonist -most important character that changes (death is not) because of the experiences in the story.
antagonist -major character that opposes the protagonist -does not always have to be a person; nature, society -does not change
Conflit the struggles of a tension
what are the 2 types of conflicts? 1. internal; takes place in character's mind. 2. external; character struggles against an outside force.
theme the central message or insight into life revealed through literary work (main idea)
setting establishes when and where the story take place
point of view author's decision about who is to tell the story and how.
what are the different types of point of views? 1. first person; narrator is the main character. 2. third person; an observer, not in the story 3. omniscient; god, knowing all, describes feelings and emotions. 4. limited; knows thoughts and feelings of ONLY ONE character
flashback the present scene in the story interrupted to flash backward and tell what happened in earlier time.
foreshadowing clues the writer puts in the story to give the reader a hint of what is to come.
symbol an object, person, event that functions as itself but also stands for something more than itself.
figurative language involves some imaginative comparison between two unlike things.
what are the 3 examples of figurative language and what are they? 1. simile; comparing using "LIKE" or "AS" ex; I wandered lonely as a cloud. 2. metaphor; comparing not using like or as. ex; life is a roller coaster with its ups and downs. 3. personification; giving human qualities to objects. ex; the wind howled.
irony a contrast between expectation and reality.
what are examples of ironies and what are they? 1. VERBAL irony; saying one thing yet meaning the other (sarcasm) 2. SITUATION irony; a contradiction between what we expect to happen and what really does happen. 3. DRAMATIC irony; occurs when the reader knows something the character does not.
allusion reference to a statement, person, place from: .literature .history .religion .mythology .politics .sports
suspense uncertainty or anxiety the reader feels about what is going to happen next.
imagery language that appeals to the 5 senses; -touch -taste -sound -sight -smell
appearance vs. reality what you perceive vs. what you really are
plot graph 1. exposition 2. rising action 3. climax 4. falling action 5. resolution
what are the elements of a short story? PACCTS p-plot a-atmosphere c-character c-conflict t-theme s-setting
what are the different types of conflicts? 1. man VS. him/herself 2. man VS. man 3. man VS. nature 4. man VS. society 5. man VS. supernatural (aliens)
how do you identify characterization? -what the character says/does -what others say of/to the author -author's word of choice about character
MLA format top left: -your name -teachers name -course code -day/month/ year top right: -last name, page number
what's in a short story? -ONE conflict, single action, resolution -an abrupt beginning and surprise ending -restricted to one setting
what's in plot? exposition inciting incident rising action climax falling action denouement
what's in atmosphere? mood
what's in character? types of character (7)
what's in conflict? the 5 types
what's in setting? where and when the story take place.
How many plots and interconnection does MSND have? 3
what is the setting of MSND? -Athens and woods
what are the symbols represented in MSND? -city vs. nature -day vs. night -summertime -theseus & hippo (order) -love potion(bizarre behaviour) -craftsmens play (PWP) -night forest (darkness)
what are themes of MSND? (5) -Love and its obstacles -friendship and loyalty -parental control -transformation -foolishness
what is the setting of Speak? Merryweather High in Syracuse, New York 1990s
what are the symbols seen in Speak? (5) -trees -mirrors -lips -turkey bones -apple -closet -rabbit
what is Maslow's Hierarchy of needs? process or instance of continuining to live after a tragedy or disastrous event.
what is the pyramid of Maslow's Hierarchy of needs?
Key facts about MSND -author: William Shakespeare -genre: comedy, fantasy, romance, farce -date of publication: 1600 -time and place: london 1594/1595
who are the dynamic characters in MSND? -hermia -theseus -lysander -demetruis
who are the flat characters in MSND? Bottom and his crew
who are the flat characters in Speak? -andy evans -Rachel
who are the dynamic characters in Speak? -Heather -Melinda
hyperbole exaggeration
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