The characteristics of life - definitions


Leaving Certificate Biology (The characteristics of life) Flashcards on The characteristics of life - definitions, created by Lasairfhíona on 14/12/2013.
Flashcards by Lasairfhíona, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by Lasairfhíona almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Organism a living thing
Metabolism the sum of all chemical reactions in an organism
Continuity of life living things arise from other living things of the same type
Life the possession of organisation, response, reproduction and requires nutrition and excretion
Organisation living things are composed of cells, tissues, organs and organ systems
Nutrition the way an organism obtains and uses food
Response the way a living thing reacts to changes in its environment
Reproduction the production of new individuals
Sexual reproduction involes the union of sex cells
Asexual reproduction does not involve the union of sex cells
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