WDW205 Flash Cards


Flashcards on WDW205 Flash Cards, created by c.morais on 16/12/2013.
Flashcards by c.morais, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by c.morais almost 11 years ago

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Question Answer
Social Learning Theory Theory of Imitation - Crime and values that promote crime are the product of normal human learning processes - Psychology
Differential Association Theory: Crime is a politically defined 1) Criminal acts are related o one's exposure to an excess amount of antisocial attitudes/values 2) Criminal behaviour is learned just as conventional behaviours are learned 3) Crime will occur when the definitions for crime outweigh the definitions againt. - Differently associate the definitions to the means 4) Crime is learned by interaction with others and not by living in a criminogenic environment.
Differential Reinforcement Theory: Opperant Conditioning Opperant Conditioning - Behaviour is modified by the consequences 1) Behaviour is reinforced when positive rewards are gained/punishment is avoided 2) People strike a balance between deviant and conventional behaviour
Neutralization Theory People rationalize crime in order to neutralize feelings of guilt: 1) Denial of responsibility (victim had it coming) 2) Denial of injury/victim (stealing = borrowing) 3) Condemn the condemners (the world is corrupt place anyways) 4) Appear to higher loyalties (being loyal to peer group vs to society)
Labelling Theory: Interactionist Perspective Negative social labels cause permanent harm to those labelled: 1) Stigmatization 2) Change of self-concept
Primary Deviance Criminal acts that are not sanctioned and thus do not redefine the self and public offender's self image (i.e. a petty theft that goes unnoticed & that offender later in life succeeds in his/her career)
Secondary Deviance When deviant acts come to the attention of those who apply a negative label and deviant acts are sanctioned. The deviant becomes a basis for personal identity
Moral Entrepreneurs Interest grous that attempt to control social life and the legal order for the purpose of promoting their own set of moral values
General Theory of Deviance People who cannot conform to social group standards face negative sanctions
Social Control Theory Crime and deinquency caused by a weakening of social ties that bind people to society; 1) Attachment; 2) Commitment; 3) Involvement 4) Beliefs
Social Control Theory We are all potential violators and crime happens when fear of damaged relationships is absent due to the lack of sensitivity to others.
Social Control Theory Internal/External Forces as to why people obey the law: 1) Strong Moral Values 2) Commitment to Conformity (A positive orientation to the value of society whereby one internalizes those rules)
Self-Concept and Crime Early control theory found that low self control was a product of weak self esteem Self Rejection: The consequence of successfully being labelled, whereby the negative stigma is internalized
Containment Theory Self-image controls criminal tendencies (ability to resist pulls toward crime( Containments are internal & external factors that insulate youths from criminality by promoting strong self-concept & positive support from parents and teachers.
Self-Control Theory Seperate Criminality from Criminal event Low Self Control characterized by: 1) Need for immediate gratification 2) Inability to consider long-term effects of actions 3) Insensitivity to others' needs
Self Control Theory Low self control can be caused by inadequate child-rearing practices (When established at a very young age--5 years-- it cannot be changed)
Control & Self Control Theories: Policy Implications Rehabilitation is not needed (waste of time/money) Must focus on reducing criminal opportunities (environmental prevention) People with low self-control should be discouraged from having children bc they will produce more criminals Keeps novice criminals seperate from "hardened criminals"
Social Ability Model Deviants have good interpersonal relationships with peers (like social learning theory) - Deviants have social abilities identical to non deviants Peers matter in this theory*
Social Disability Model Deviants lack skill to maintain good interpersonal relationships and are poorly socialized -- In this model peers do not matter
Criticisms of Labeling Theory 1) Inability to specify conditions that must exist before one is labeled deviant 2) Fails to explain differences in crime rates (i.e. why are crime rates higher in specific places at specific times in the year)
Conflict Theory Crime is a function of class conflict. The definition of the law is controlled by people who hold social and political power
Conflict Theory Crime is a function of class conflict. Criminal law is controlled by those who hold social and political power.
Marxist Theory The capitalist means of production creates class conflict. Crime is a rebellion by the lower class. The justice system is an agent of class warfare.
Instrumental Marxist Theory Criminals are revolutionaries. The real crimes are sexism, racism and profiteering.
Structural Marxist Theory The law is created to sustain the capitalist economic system
Radical Feminist Theory The capitalist system creates patriarchy which oppresses women
Power-control Theory Gender differences in crime are a function of economic power (class power one-versus two-earner families and parental control (paternalistics versus egalitarian families)
Left Realism Crime is a function of reative deprivation; criminals prey on the poor
Deconstructionism Language controls the meaning and use of the law
Peacemaking Peace and humanism can reduce crime, conflict resolution strategies can work
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