Chapter 2 roots of democracy


Chapter 2 vocab
Flashcards by mcbyrd, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by mcbyrd over 8 years ago

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Enlightenment idea and cultural movement
Magna Carta 1215, nobles rebelled against King John. Signed an agreement that protected the nobles' privileges and authority.
Glorious Revolution Parliament overthrew the king and invited his daughter and her husband to rule, but only if they signed an agreement that limited their powers.
English Bill Of Rights Document that further restricted the monarch's power
Mayflower Compact Pilgrims drew up a written plan for government.
House of Burgesses first representative assembly in the English colonies
Dicameral divided into two branches or chambers
John Locke Natural rights (life, liberty, and property)
Natural Rights (Inalienable rights) people were born equal with rights to life, liberty, and property
Social Contract agreement among the people in a society
Baron de Montesquie Came up with the idea about dividing the branches of government into different parts, so no one part would have too much power.
Separation Of Powers 3 branches of government (Judicial, Executive, Legislative)
Fundamental Orders of Connecticut America's first written Constitution. Representative democracy
Triangular Trade the pattern of trade that developed among the Americas, Africa, and Europe
Salutary neglect sometimes called healthy or useful neglect meant England did not strictly enforce its laws in the colonies
French Indian War (seven year war) french and indians fought against British and colonies (won Land)
Mercantilism the theory that a country should sell more goods to other countries than it buys
Stamp Act a tax on printed materials such as legal documents, mail, newspapers, etc.
Boycott the refusal to purchase certain goods
Boston Massacre 3/5/1770 British soldiers opened fire on a crowd killing 5 American colonists; event fueled the Americans hatred for the British
Boston Tea Party Colonists some dressed as Indians sneaked aboard British ships and dumped 90,000 pounds of tea into the Boston Harbor
Coercive Acts (Intolerable Acts) these laws punished the Boston colonists for the Boston Tea Party; the Boston port was closed to trade and a new Quartering Act
Proclamation of 1763 England said colonists could not settle new lands beyond the Appalachian Mountains
First Continental Congress 12-13 delegates came together at the first of the American Revolution
Olive Branch Petition last letter sent to King George lll sent from the second continental congress ; represented last attempt to avoid war
Second Continental Congress meeting of colonial delegates in May 1775; a committee of 5 men were appointed to write a document declaring American Independence
Declaration of Independence the document addressed to King George ll of England that declared American Independence
Thomas Jefferson chief author of the D.O.I
Articles of Confederation our first government; lasted for about 10 years; created a "league of friendship" between the 13 states
Daniel Shays' Rebellion a wake up call for Americans; Daniel Shays led a rebellion of Massachusetts farmers against the federal govt. under AOC
Philadelphia Convention (Constitutional Convention) met May Sept. 1787 delegates suppose to amend (fix) the AOC; end up writing a new constitution
James Madison Father of the Constitution
Common Sense pamphlet written by Thomas Paine that was widely read in the colonies; said colonies should be free and independent
Quartering Act part of the intolerable acts; act that was widely read in the colonist to house and feed British soldiers
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