Psyco sex


Flashcards on Psyco sex, created by Alexie Morin on 16/12/2013.
Alexie Morin
Flashcards by Alexie Morin, updated more than 1 year ago
Alexie Morin
Created by Alexie Morin almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is empiricism? The belied that human knowledge canbe gained through experience.
Issues? Exaggeration conceal ananymity memory estimate language
Subject is own control? With-in subjects
Solutions to issues? Test-retest independant research from related source
Case study? deep examination rare disorder/particular anecdotal but not rigorous
direct observation? time consuming small sample observation may affect behavior
interview? face to face rapport adaptable honesty
Questionnaire? internet, lab anonimity less invasive less $
Tools? Self report penile strain gauge vaginal photoplethysmograph
Ethical issues? informed conscent freedom to stop debriefing minimize damage cost vs benefit
Hormones? Substance manafactured byt endocrine glands and secreted directly into the blood stream
sex hormones? androgens estrogens progestrone
hypothalamus? just above the pituitary at the base of the brain. Responsible for the 4F
Pituitary? Master gland at the base of the brain, responds to a signal from the hypothalamus by producing many hormones such as regulating growth, controling other glands
Sex chromosones? X (about 1000 genes) Y (about 80 genes)
Differentiation? SRY gene: Y Chromosone: Turns gonads into testes
Atypical differentiation? Chromosonal gonadal prenatal hormones itnernal organs external genitilia pubertal homrones assigned identity intersex
puberty? time between first onset of hormonal rush and full adulthood
Hormonal birth control? pill shot patch t sterilet ring
non hormonal birth control? condom spermicide cap IUD surgery diaphragm
Masters and johnhson, 3 stages? Excitment arousal resolution
excitment vasocongestion nipples become errect increase in pulse, breathing, blood pressure M: Scrotal sac pulls closer to the body
orgasm rhytmic contractions (0.8 sec interval) contraction of muscles all over difficult for women
Resolution return to anaroused state many men: refractory phase
Kaplan's triphasic model? sexual desire, vasocongestion, muscular contractions
vasocongestion involves blood vessels no chnage un men with age not volontary parasympathetic nervous system
muscular contractions involves muscles reduction in men with age volontary sympathetic
Dual control model balance between sexual excitation and inhabitation
erection controled by sacral region
ejaculation lumbar region femal ejaculation from G spot (40%)
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