CLIN 200 introduction to Clinical ADM


(epic) Flashcards on CLIN 200 introduction to Clinical ADM, created by jphillips2 on 12/04/2013.
Flashcards by jphillips2, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by jphillips2 over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Consider the EMH Physical Therapy department from the preceding question. It is considered a part of the EHS Model Hospital. What field or fields would you use to link it to the hospital? HODs are linked to their parent areas via the Rev Location field and the Parent hospital/clinic area field.
To do administrative work within a category list in the Category List Maintenance activity, what information do you need to access that list? You need the INI and item number.
In Demographics, what happens if Nurse Denver types the synonym ‘Dad’ when the title of that category value is ‘Father’? The word ‘Father’ will populate the field.
When you delete a category value, what happens in addition to making that value no longer available as a choice on the category list? Any records that had items pointing to that particular value now appear value-less (empty) but a pointer remains.
You’re working in the Category List Maintenance activity and see this message: ‘Release Range: All Categories.’ What does that mean? It means that the category list is a system (Epic controlled) list so is uneditable.
Give an example of someone who would need a provider record but NOT a user record. Explain why. A physician in your community who gets referrals from your physicians, but who does not have access to log in to your Epic system.
Give an example of someone who would need a user record but NOT a provider record. One possible answer: A unit clerk (someone who uses the Epic software, but does not provide patient care).
Give an example of someone who would need both a user record AND a provider record. Explain why. A physician or nurse who logs in to Epic and provides patient care.
Why do MRI machines and classrooms need to have records in the Provider master file? The MRI machines and classrooms are scheduled resources.
True or False: In the provider record, you can link to the corresponding user record. False. The linking is established in the user record.
True or False: User templates may link users to a provider record. False. Multiple users may not be linked to the same provider record.
What function does security perform in Epic? Security controls access to the activities a user gets in Hyperspace.
Explain the difference between a security class and a security point. A security point grants access to a single piece of functionality; it’s like a key. A security class is a collection of security points, like a key ring. Users are linked to security classes; they are not linked to security points.
Name two things that are defined by your role record. Roles define your default Startup Activity, the Hyperspace toolbar, options under the Epic button, the maximum number of workspaces a user can have open, automatic timeout settings and whether you user’s last login department will default the next time she logs in.
Nurse Denver is working in a patient workspace and notices that she does not have an Order Review activity tab. She then looks under the More Activities tab and still does not see it. Why can’t she open Order Review? She does not have a security class that includes the Order Review security point.
True or False: The profile controls access to activities in Hyperspace. False – security controls access to activities
You log in and are affected by two profiles, a department level and a System Definitions level. When the two have competing values, which values trump which? The more specific level profile settings will trump the more general. The Department-level profile’s values would trump the System Definitions-level profile’s values.
What is the maximum number of profiles that can contribute to your composite profile? Six
True or False: You are limited to a single set of outpatient and a single set of inpatient orders preference list in any given profile record. True
What are the individual parts of a report Print groups
Where can you look up and view samples of Epic-released print groups? “print group encyclopedia”
Describe how to view the names and ID numbers of print groups in Hyperspace when logged in as an end user. Go to Help > Help Desk Reports. Double click on the Report & Print Group Assistant report to enable assistance. (As an administrator, you can also go to Reports > Show Report and Print Group IDs.)
If you need to build a report that is similar to another one, what is the fastest approach? Duplicate the report and edit the duplicate.
Describe one feature of a Native HTML report that is not found in a plain text report. Possible answers: You can arrange the print groups into columns, there are hyperlinks to other activities or reports and you could attach a comment. In general, Native HTML reports are more colorful and interactive than Plain Text reports.
Drawer Master File
A file folder in a drawer Record
A dated, or versioned, paper form Contact
A question on a paper form (Name, Sex, etc.) Item
An answer to a question on a paper form Value
Move from one item to the next Tab
Move to the item above/below Up/Down Arrows
Get help text about an item and see my options for choices Shift+F5
Move to the previous/next screen Page Up/Down
Exit this record from any screen in it Shift+F7
Re-open the record that I last accessed in that master file =
Return to the Clinical Administration menu from a master file prompt. opt
Return to the Clinical Administration menu from a menu prompt. opt
Return to the previous menu. Page Up
Go to the next screen within a record. Page Down
Get a list of choices at a master file prompt. ?
Get a list of choices or help text for an item. Shift+F5
Exit a record, no matter what screen you are on. Shift+F7
Delete a value for an item. Num Lock
Go back into a record you just exited. =
Can you think of times when it may be appropriate to set a user record to “INACTIVE”? If a user has left an organization or if an employee is not allowed to log in yet (perhaps he or she hasn’t been trained yet).
Why do you think deleting records is generally a bad idea? If you delete a user record, historical documentation that refers to that user record becomes corrupted.
When linking a user record to a template, which settings are still established in each individual user record? Default login department, linked template, linked provider, password
What happens when the security points in a security class change? Users linked to any templates linked to that security class will be affected. If points are removed, old buttons may remain until the affected users log out, but functionality will disappear immediately. If points are added, new buttons may not appear until the user logs out and then back in.
Which type of record is giving you both identical Startup Activities and Hyperspace toolbar options? role
Which type of record gives you access to ordering functionality? security
How have profiles configured your preference lists differently? Each user has a different set of outpatient preference lists and a different set of inpatient preference lists.
Which type of record controls access to functionality— activities like Chart Review? security
Which settings within Chart Review can profiles configure? Which tabs show up, what order they show up, which opens by default. Also, the default filters on the Encounters tab.
Which settings within SnapShot can profiles configure? Default report, which reports are available, which reports are buttons.
What are some advantages to having a profile hierarchy create composite profiles? Simplifies set up, eases maintenance
Organize the following from most-generic to most-specific Facility > Service Area > Rev Location > Department > Workstation
What are the four types of departments? Outpatient, ADT units, hospital outpatient, and virtual departments
All the physical therapists at your organization work in the EMH Physical Therapy department… What kind of department record is EMH Physical Therapy? Explain why. It is a Hospital Outpatient Department. It schedules its time with patients, but those patients can include both admitted patients and outpatients.
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