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The EU and Multilevel Governance - Definitions


Politics (Govt & Politics: UK) Flashcards on The EU and Multilevel Governance - Definitions, created by clm3496 on 13/04/2013.
Flashcards by clm3496, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by clm3496 almost 12 years ago
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Question Answer
Nation: A group of people who share a common language, religion, traditions and culture, and regard themselves as a natural political community.
Nation-state: A state in which the population have a shared national identity, based (usually) on the same language, religion, traditions and history.
Local democracy: The principle that local decisions should b made in line with local wishes, implying both local elections and a measure of local autonomy (freedom from the centre).
Rates: A property-based local government tax that was linked to the national rental value of residential and business properties.
Poll tax: A flat-rate tax on individuals (a 'head tax').
Council tax: A revised version of the rating system in which property is taxed according to eight bands (A to H), with a 25 per cent discount for single occupants.
Unionism: A form of Northern Ireland nationalism that seeks to uphold the union between Great Britain and Northern Ireland; the dominant political tradition of Ulster Protestants.
Republicanism: A form of Northern Ireland nationalism that is committed to creating a united Ireland though the incorporation of Northern Ireland into the Republic of Ireland; the dominant political position of Ulster Catholics.
Asymmetrical devolution: A form of devolution that operates differently in different regions, with no common pattern of devolved powers and responsibilities within the state.
Primary legislative power: The ability to make law on matters which have been devolved from Westminster.
Secondary legislative power: The ability to vary some laws passed by the Houses of Parliament, creating dependency on Westminster legislation.
Quasi-federalism: A division of powers between central and regional government that has some of the features of federalism without possessing a formal federal structure.
Barnett formula: The formula (devised by the then Treasury secretary, Joel, later Lord, Barnett) for determining the level of funding from UK taxes of expenditure in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
Political union: The establishment of common citizenship rights within the EU and a strengthening of EU institutions to ensure common policies in designated areas.
Monetary union: The establishment of a single European currency, the euro, regulated by the European Central Bank.
Intergovernmentalism: A form of interaction between states that takes place on the basis of sovereign independence, meaning that states cannot be forced to act against their will.
National veto: The power of member states to block Council of Ministers' decisions on matters that threaten vital national interests.
Qualified majority voting: A system of voting within an EU Council of Ministers in which different majorities are needed on different issues, with states' votes weighed (roughly) according to size.
Supranationalism: The existence of a supranational body that is higher than the nation-state and capable of imposing its will on it.
Euroscepticism: Opposition to the process of European integration, based on a defense of national sovereignty and national identity; Eurosceptics are not necessarily anti-European.
Subsidiarity: The principle that, within a federal-type system, decisions should be made at the lowest possible level.
State: A political association that establishes sovereign control within defined territorial borders.
Union state: A state made up of regions that retain their own distinctive cultural (and possibly national) traditions and identities.
Unitary state: A state in which sovereignty is concentrated in a single institution of central government; the centre therefore determines the powers and responsibilities of lower levels of government.
Multilevel governance: A complex policy process in which political authority is distributed horizontally and vertically between sub-national, national supra-national levels of government.
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