Entre Nous


Important topic-related vocabulary
Jennie Mavvinga
Flashcards by Jennie Mavvinga, updated more than 1 year ago
Jennie Mavvinga
Created by Jennie Mavvinga almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
à quoi bon + inf. ? what's the point of...?
s'accroître to increase
aliéner -to distance -to alienate
l'ancre anchor
atteindre to reach
au secours! help!
autant que as much as
le bénéfice financier financial benefit
briser to shatter
chuter -to fall -to plummet
le civisme (sense of) civic duty
le concubinage living together
la contrainte -restriction -constraint
la décennie decade
déprimé depressed
la divortalité divorce rate
éclairé enlightened
l'épouse -wife -spouse
à l'essai -test -on trial
à la fois at the same time
le foyer home
la hausse -increase -rise
impliquer to imply
la part share
la part féminine feminine side
la pilule the (contraceptive) pill
rejeter to reject
la répartition -distribution -sharing
la retraite -retirement -pension
rien que pour + inf. simply to
le surcroît excess (in numbers)
la tâche au foyer household chore
tardivement belatedly
le taux de natalité birth rate
le taux de nuptialité marriage rate (per year)
un tiers one third
viser -to target -to be aimed at
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