Different types of Texts


The four principal text types and their purposes
Flashcards by ns13, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by ns13 about 11 years ago

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Different Texts Purposes informative descriptive instructive persuasive
Informative Texts Informative texts give the reader information. They contain facts. Facts are statements that can be proved to be true or false. Facts can be represented using statistics (numbers or percentage) and charts or tables.
Descriptive Texts Descriptive texts tell the reader what something is like. They use describing words such as adjectives and adverbs. Descriptive words can also be used in persuasive texts. For example, you could describe a film as ‘terrible’ to deter people from going to watch that movie.
Persuasive Texts Persuasive texts use language to make the reader feel or think a certain way. They often use facts or emotive language to try to make the reader agree with the author's point of view.
Instructive Texts Instructive texts tell you how to do something. They often use numbered lists or bullet points. They use clear language. They are often written using the imperative form (Cut the meat into small pieces.). Instructive texts can also use signs, symbols, maps or tables.
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