Stress Management


Psychology (Stress) Flashcards on Stress Management, created by smita089 on 16/04/2013.
Flashcards by smita089, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by smita089 almost 12 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is the concept behind stress inoculation training? Meichenbaum - can change way we think abotu stressors. people can be trained to inoculate themselves aginst stress.
What are the strengths of stress inoculation training? Effectiveness: Meichenbaum - compared SIT with SD, both effective but SIT helped reduce fear with a second untreated phobia. Reducing Academic Stress: SIT sessions reduced anxiety and stress among students as well as improving performance. Prep for Future Stressors: SIT gives clients skills so they are less adversley affected by future stressors.
What are the weaknesses of stress inoculation training? Time Consuming & Requires High Motivation. Unneccessarily Complex: SIT can still be achieved with just some of its elements.
What does hardiness training involve? Focusing - The client is taught to recognise sources of stress. Reliving Stress Encounters - The client is given an insight into current coping startegies by reliving previous encounters and their response. Self-improvement - These insights can be used to move forward and learn new techniques.
Explain the effects of BZs. 1. Slow the central nervous system. 2. GABA is the body’s natural form of anxiety relief. 3. BZs enhance the action of GABA by binding on to the receptor. 4. This allows more chloride ions to enter the neuron making it more resistant to excitation. 5. Brain’s output of excitatory neurotransmitters is reduced.
Evaluate using BZs to manage stress. Strengths - BBs have real world applications. For example they are used by musicians and sports where precision is important such as snooker. Weaknesses - BBs can have side effects. Most people do not experience side effects with BBS, however there have been some links made with diabetes.
Explain the effects of BBs. BBs bind to beta-receptors on cells of the heart and other parts of the body stimulated during arousal. Cause a slower heart rate and blood vessels don’t contract as easily meaning decreased blood pressure which in turn causes less stress on the heart.
Evaluate using BBs to manage stress. Strengths: Kahn et al - followed 250 patients over 8 weeks. He found that BZs were superior to placebos. Hildalgo et al - conducted a meta-analysis and found that BZs were more effective at reducing anxiety than other anti-depressants. Weaknesses: BZs can be addictive, patients exhibited withdrawal symptoms when they stopped taking the drug. Ashton (1997) BZs should be limited to 4 weeks. BZs can have side effects. BZs can cause ‘paradoxical’ symptoms such as increased aggression and cognitive side effects.
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