Statistics 151 - Qualitative Con. and Quantitative Data


Chemistry 101 Stats 151 Flashcards on Statistics 151 - Qualitative Con. and Quantitative Data, created by jennabarnes12387 on 13/01/2014.
Flashcards by jennabarnes12387, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by jennabarnes12387 about 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is non-numeric data? data that uses characters instead of numbers
what is frequency? the amount of times or tallies that a number occurs
what is relative frequency the frequency of a number divided by the total amount of numbers e.g. 5/25 = 0.20
How do you find the angle for a piece of data. the data relative frequency time 360 degrees or f/n X 360
What tools do we use to display Quantitative data? dot plots, stem-and-leaf plots, histograms, and box and whisker or box plots
Describe how stem-and leaf plots work? each two or more digit number is divided in half. the stem is the leading digit(s) and the leaves are the trailing digits. the stems are written in acceding order e.g. 5, 6, 7 etc. the leaves line up with the stems depending in what they are divided from e.g. 8/ 5,6,7 = 85, 86, 87. if you have a lot of say 80s you can split the stems so the line isn't so long bu sing 8A and 8B.
describe a histogram. to make this graph you need the intervals and the width of the intervals. these intervals must not overlap. an interval should be the space between two numbers such as [50-60). this means all numbers from 50 to 59 are included. this is why the x values cant overlap.
How do you find the width of an interval? the range divided by the number of classes
how do you find the number of classes for a histogram? the square root of the total amount of numbers
When interpreting data in a histogram you should pay attention to ___? shape, spread, and location
What are outliers? data that is away from most of the graph. without utliers the data is called symmetrical. with them the data becomes skewed. the data can be skewed negative or positive depending on how many outliers are before or after zero or in that general proportion.
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Statistics 151 - Data Collection
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Stats 151 - Mean, Standard Deviation, and Empire Rule for Random Variables and Binomial Distribution
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Stats 151 - Assigning Probability to Events
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