

Court Reporting (Coroners/Inquests) Flashcards on Coroners/Inquests, created by Maria O'Dempsey on 17/04/2013.
Maria O'Dempsey
Flashcards by Maria O'Dempsey, updated more than 1 year ago
Maria O'Dempsey
Created by Maria O'Dempsey almost 12 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Coroners - Lawyer/Doctor 5+ years - Death reported when death is sudden/unnatural - Coroners Rules 1984: Regulations of Coroners
Inquests - Purpose: Particulars registered; - Name, address, occupation, age, gender - How, when and where deceased died - Jury can be present: not a criminal trial - 1994 CoA: not function of inquest just to attribute blame/judgment - Death occurred in circumstances likely to pose threat to h&s of community: death at workplace - Bail cannot be granted to defendant charged with homicide/rape has previous convictions: court must give reasons for refusing/granting bail - If refused defendant can appeal to higher judge - Surety: person who guarantees accused will show up
Reporting Coroners Court - Active when opened under CoCA 1981 - Cases which involve jury SROSP - Absolute privilege is reports FAC - Criminal trial begins once COD is determined - Inquest before court proceedings, may report on inquest unless court/banning order made
Rule 37 - Coroner takes written evidence where unlikely to be disputed: busy hospital doctor - Coroner must read aloud name of person giving evidence: prevents press & public from learning contents of evidence - Custom not to read out suicide notes/psychiatric reports
Rule 17 - All inquests held in public except in cases of national security - QBD 1998: Inquest should remain public even when a member of armed response unit was allowed to give evidence behind a screen
Route of Appeal - Relative aggrieved by inquest findings - No direct route of appeal against coroner: application made to high court for judicial review - High court could quash verdict: fresh inquest: new evidence must be presented - Short form verdict: natural causes - Narrative verdict: conclusion statement
Treasure - Gold/Silver 300+ yo - Treasure Act 1996: Report to coroner w/in 14 days or face 3 months jail time/fine - Objects taken to museum: reward - Given back to finder if unwanted
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