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Chapter 5 States of Consciousness Vocab


Flashcards by TaterTot, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by TaterTot almost 9 years ago
1 2 3 4 5 (0)

Resource summary

Question Answer
subconscious below conscious awareness; sleeping and dreaming
circadian rhythm 24 hour cycle in the physiological processes of living beings
REM or rapid eye movement sleep a unique phase of mammalian sleep characterized by random movement of the eyes, low muscle tone throughout the body, and the propensity of the sleeper to dream
NREM or non rapid eye movement sleep sleep stages I-IV associated with slowing brain activity
alpha waves normal electrical activity of the brain when conscious and relaxed
sleep spindles occurs during stage 2; short bursts of rapid, high amplitude brain waves
Restoration theory of sleep sleep rejuvenates the mind and the body. REM sleep restores mental and brain functions, while NREM sleep restores key physical functions
adaptive theory of sleep evolutionary psychologists argue that sleep patterns evolved so that humans could conserve energy and avoid problems
psychoanalytic/psychodynamic view according to Sigmund Freud dreams provide insights into the unconscious motives by expressing hidden desires and conflicts
manifest content all the parts of the dream that we remember
latent content underlying, more hidden, but true meaning of a dream
activation synthesis theory dreams are a random event caused by firing of neurons in the brain. The brain synthesizes these spontaneous signals into coherent patterns or dreams
information processing theory proposed in 1993, theory states that dreams allow people to review and address problems they faced during waking life.
insomnia problems falling and staying asleep
narcolepsy falling asleep all the time
sleep apnea potentially serious sleep disorder in which breathing repeatedly stops and starts.
night terrors not able to wake someone up, having nightmares
REM rebound lengthening and increasing frequency and depth of rapid eye movement
hypnosis being controlled while asleep
Ernest hilgard and the hidden observer hilgard conducted an experiment with hypnotized subjects who showed no sign of pain when they were submerged their arms in an ice bath, but when asked to raise their index finger if they felt pain, 70% did.
psychoactive drugs a chemical substance that changes brain function and results in alterations in perception, mood, or consciousness
agonistic drugs enhance a neurotransmitters effect
antagonistic drugs inhibit a neurotransmitters effects
withdrawal physical and mental symptoms that occur after stopping or reducing intake of a drug
tolerance the ability or willingness to tolerate something
depressants a drug that lowers neurotransmission levels, which is to depress or reduce arousal or stimulation in various areas if the brain
stimulants increase alertness and energy
opiates depress neural functioning; numb the senses and relieves pain. Extremely addictive and withdrawal is painful
hallucinogens a psychoactive agent which can cause hallucinations, perceptual anomalies, and other substantial subjective changes in thoughts, emotion, and consciousness.
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