Micro Economics (Ch1-3)


Flashcards on Micro Economics (Ch1-3), created by Fyu Vb on 26/03/2016.
Fyu Vb
Flashcards by Fyu Vb, updated more than 1 year ago
Fyu Vb
Created by Fyu Vb almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
model a simplified representation of reality used to provide an insight into economic decisions and events
ceteris paribus in latin means 'other things being equal' : when looking at one variable assuming all other influences constant
positive statement a statement that is fact and about what it is (no opinion)
normative statement a statement that involves a value judgement about what 'ought to be'
scarcity a situation that arises when people have unlimited wants in the face of limited resources
opportunity cost in making a decision the value of the next best alternative forgone
marginal analysis an approach to economic decision making based on considering the additional (marginal) benefirs and costs of a change in behaviour
economic agents respinible for makong decisions in the economy (households, firms and the government)
factors of production resources used in the production process; inputs into production, particularly including labour, capital, land and entrepreneurship
renewable resources natural resources that can be replenished, such as forest, solar energy
non renewable resources natural resources that once used cannot be replenished
ppf a curve showing the max combinations of goods and services that can be produced in any given period with available resources
potential economic growth an expansion in the productive capacity of the economy
GDP a measure of economic activity carried out in an economy over a period
division of labour a process whereby the production procedure is broken down into a sequence of stages and workers are assigned to a particular stage
market a set of arrangements that allows transactions to take place
functions of money goods and services can be compared unit account. reflect value of goods society places on them, measure of value standard of deferred payment medium of exchange
Market economy market is allocatively effective based on demand. adam smith said it was the 'invisible glove' lassez faire Karl Marx thought position would be exploited and would be bad for labour which would result in a revolution
Command Economy government directs and allocates resources, strong incentives to factories to meet targets. Nails, one based on weight(very big not many), one based of quantity (lots of very small nails)
Mixed economy on where resources are allocated partly through price signals and partly on the basis of intervention by the state Friedrich von Hayek
demand the quantity of a good or service a consumer chooses to but at any possible price in a given period
diminishing marginal utility describes the situation where an individual gains less additional utility from consuming a product, the more of it is consumed
law of demand states there is an inverse relationship between the quantity demanded and the price of a good or service, ceteris paribus
snob effect upwards sloping demand curve. people value a good due to high price, especially when others observe them consuming showing they are rich enough to afford. known as Veblen effect
normal good where the quantity demanded increases in respone to an increasr in consumer incomes
inferior good where quantity demanded decreases in response to an increase in consumer incomes
substitutes two goods are said to be substitutes if demand for one good is likely to rise the price of the other good raises
complements two goods are said to be complements if an increase in the price of one good causes the demand for the other good to fall
elasticity a measure of the sensitivity of one variable to changes in another variable
ped sensitivity of QD to a change in price if a good or service
income elasticity of demand sensitivity of QD to a change in consuner incomes
cross price elasticity qd of one good in comparison to another
if YED is positive and greater than 1 luxury good, incomes rise more spent on it
XED postive less than 1 necessity, incomes rise consuners spend proportionally less
XED is negative less than 1 weak compliment
if XED is positive and greater than 1 strong substitute
supply quantity of a good or service that firms choose to sell at any possible price in a given period
firm an organisation that brings together factors of production in order to produce output
total revenue curve 'n' quadratic, total rev peaks at unitary elasticity
competitive market one where price of the good or service they are selling, because of competition to other firms
influences of supply production costs technology of production tax and subsidies price of related goods firms expectations about future prices (busin confidence)
how to work out amount of subsidy or tax? difference between two lines at same quantity
cartel an agreement between firms in a market on price and output with the intension of maximising their joint profits
movement along supply curve based on price of good it is the amount firms are willing to supply
PES a measure of the sensitivity of quantity supplied of a good to a change in the price if that good
comparative statistic analysis examines the effect on the equilibrium of a change in the external conditions affecting the market
consumer surplus the value that consumers gain from consuming a good or service over and above the price paid
MSB the additional benefit that society gains from consuming an extra unit of a good
producer surplus diference between the price recieved by firms for a good and the price at which they would be prepared to supply that good
marginal cost the cost of producing an additional unit of output
allocative efficiency achieved when society is producing an appropriate bundle of goods relative to consumer preferences
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