MYP 1 Forces PPT


International Baccalaureate Science (Unit 3) Flashcards on MYP 1 Forces PPT , created by Mariana r on 01/04/2016.
Mariana r
Flashcards by Mariana r, updated more than 1 year ago
Mariana r
Created by Mariana r over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is Force? 1 forces can’t be seen, but you can see what they do.
What is Force? Force is an interaction that causes a change in motion – they can change speed, direction and shape of things. Described by vectors (represented by arrows) Vectors have magnitude (intensity) and direction Unit of force: Newton
Types of Forces Applied Force Normal Force Magnetic Force Friction Force Electrical Force Gravitational Force
Applied Force Is a force that is applied to an object by a person or another object. Example: If a person is pushing a desk across the room, then there is an applied force acting upon the object. The applied force is the force exerted on the desk by the person.
Normal Force Is the support force exerted upon an object that is in contact with another stable object. Example: if a book is resting upon a surface, then the surface is exerting an upward force upon the book in order to support the weight of the book.
Magnetic Force Is an attraction or repulsion that happens between electrically charged particles (protons and electrons) because of their motion. It can appear in magnets or electromagnets.
Friction Force It’s the force two materials exert on each other. It’s affected by the type of surface involved, an object’s mass AND how hard surfaces push together. Friction always acts in a direction opposite to the direction of the object’s motion.
Gravity Force (Weight) It’s the attraction force between all matter. It’s affected by the mass of the objects and their distances The force of gravity on an object is called weight Earth: acceleration caused by gravity = 9.8m/s2 Newton realized it is universal (Law of Universal Gravitation) Force: mass x acceleration (F=ma → W=ma) Escape velocity: Earth = 11.2 km/s Moon = 2.5 km/s Jupiter 60 km/s
Mass amount of matter => measure of body’s inertia
Weight effect of gravity on mass Weight = mass x acceleration
Balanced If the forces are balanced: the object is stationary (at rest) the object is moving at a constant speed (unchanging)
Unbalanced When the forces are unbalanced: the object is accelerating the object is decelerating
Free Body Diagrams Free-body diagrams = used to show the relative magnitude and direction of all forces acting upon an object in a given situation.
Determining the net force… Net force: vector sum of all the forces that act upon an object
Review: Forces are Balanced object at rest V = zero m/s objects in motion V ≠ zero m/s a = 0 m/s2 a = 0 m/s2 stay at rest stay in motion (same speed and direction)
Contact forces friction, air resistance, normal force
Non-contact forces: gravity, magnetism, electrical force
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