World History: Colonies


Flashcards by bug4283, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by bug4283 over 10 years ago

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Question Answer
- strongly influenced by Roman Catholic Church New Spain society
- strict rules from Spanish government New Spain society
- position was based on birth, education, income New Spain society
- came for gold/economic opportunity New Spain religion
- Roman Catholic missionaries converted by force New Spain religion
- governors appointed by king New Spain politics
- no experience with democracy New Spain politics
- king is in total control New Spain politics
- king pays for expeditions New Spain economy
- found gold and silver and exploited the natives New Spain economy
- had African slaves New Spain economy
- church became source of money New Spain economy
-not controlled as much by church New France society
-government paid people to leave France and go to New World New France society
-Catholic New France religion
-if you were French Huguenots (protestants) you had to go to the English colonies New France religion
-Roman Catholic missionaries did not force conversion New France religion
-no experience with democracy New France politics
-governors are appointed by king New France politics
-king held strict control over laws New France politics
-didn't have slavery New France economy
-based on fur trapping and exporting New France economy
-worked with native tribes New France economy
-came into conflict with English over hunting grounds New France economy
-followed mercantilist policy (export more then you import) New France economy
-settled for religious purposes New England
-wanted a egalitarian (equal) society New England society
-class distinctions develop later New England society
-church (prot. Christian) was an important role in the development of towns and schools New England society
-very little religious tolerance New England religion
-Puritans wanted to "purify" all Catholic elements out of Anglican (protestant) Church New England religion
-wanted to be "city on the hill" New England religion
-exiled dissenters like Roger Williams who went to Rhode Island New England religion
-town meeting, where people could practice democracy New England politics
-subsistence (local) farming New England economy
-most jobs have something to do with the sea New England economy
-very little slavery (lack of agriculture) New England economy
-followed mercantilist policy New England economy
-cities along the coast New England economy
-settled for religious and economic purposes Mid-Atlantic
-class distinctions based on wealth and income Mid-Atlantic society
-more religious diversity and tolerance Mid-Atlantic religion
-protestants, quakers, catholics Mid-Atlantic religion
-democratic colonial assemblies Mid-Atlantic politics
-based on export of food Mid-Atlantic economy
-farming and hunting where conditions allowed Mid-Atlantic economy
-trade centers (NYC, Philadelphia) Mid-Atlantic economy
-settled for economic purposes Southern
-based on wealth and income Southern society
-king gave large land grants to aristocrats Southern society
-Plantation System with indentured servants and slaves Southern society
-religion not as important Southern religion
-the Great Awakening focused more attention on religion Southern religion
-the Church of England (Anglican) was the main church Southern religion
-in Virginia, The House of Burgesses, first elected representative body in the New World Southern politics
-cash crops, such as tobacco, rice, indigo Southern economy
-slave labor, to the Carolinas from Barbados Southern economy
-cotton becomes cash crop later on Southern economy
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