Dog Breed Identification


Dog breed identification
Bronagh Cobain
Flashcards by Bronagh Cobain, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Bronagh Cobain
Created by Bronagh Cobain almost 9 years ago
Bronagh Cobain
Copied by Bronagh Cobain almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Bichon Frise (Toy)
Afghan Hound (Hound)
Chow Chow (Utility)
Cairn Terrier (Terrier)
Bearded Collie (Pastoral)
Doberman (Working)
Springer Spaniel (Gundog)
Dachshund (Hound)
Whippet (Hound)
West Highland Terrier (Terrier)
Chihuahua (Toy)
Golden Retriever (Gundog)
Old English Sheepdog (Pastoral)
Dalmatian (Pastoral)
Great Dane (Working)
Italian Spinone (Gundog)
Labrador Retriever (Gundog)
Border Collie (Pastoral)
Pug (Toy)
Border Terrier (Terrier)
Poodle (Utility)
Boxer (Working)
Utility group meaning? Miscellaneous dog breeds mainly of a non-sporting origin.
Pastoral group meaning? Herding dogs associated with cattle, sheep, reindeer and other cloven footed animals.
Toy group meaning? Small companion or lapdogs.
Gundog group meaning? Dogs trained to find live game or retrieve wounded or shot game.
Hound group meaning? Dogs originally used for hunting by either scent or sight.
Terrier group meaning? Dogs originally used for hunting vermin.
Working group meaning? Selectively bred to be guard search and rescue dogs.
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