

Flashcards on elements, created by ZARADOXX ALI on 12/04/2016.
Flashcards by ZARADOXX ALI, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by ZARADOXX ALI almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What are elements? Elements are substances that are made up of just one type of atom.
What is an atom? Every substance in the universe is made up of building blocks known as atoms.
What are two types of elements? Metallic and Non-Metallic
Describe some properties of metallic elements? shiny, solid at room temperature except mercury, good conductors of heat and electricity and they can be bent and hammered into sheets.
Describe some properties of non-metallic elements? they are dull (not shiny), do not conduct heat or electricity and they break or crumble when u break them.
How many elements are there? 118
How many of them are natural? 91
What is a periodic table? Scientist display all the known elements and symbols in a periodic table.
What a single atom is referred to as? monatomic
What is a cluster of atoms called? molecules
How many monatomic elements are there? 6
Name all of the monatomic elements neon, argon, krypton, xenon, helium and radon.
How atoms are com-packed in metallic lattices? The atoms are only weakly joined to each other, as a result they can be bent and drawn into wires
How atoms are com-packed in non-metallic lattices? The atoms are strongly bonded to each other, this makes them hard and brittle.
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