

Lista completa de irregulares con nivel B2 (Según el nivel de Cambridge)
Flashcards by tibbyferreira, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by tibbyferreira almost 9 years ago
1 2 3 4 5 (0)

Resource summary

Question Answer
Write Wrote - Written - Escribir
Wind Wound - Wound - Enrollar
Win Won - Won - Ganar/Vencer
Weep Wept - Wept - Llorar
Wear Wore - Worn - Llevar puesto
Wake Woke - Woken - Despertar
Keep Kept - Kept - Mantener/Conservar
Kneel Knelt - Knelt - Arrodillarse
Know Knew - Known - Conocer/Saber
Catch Caught - Caught - Coger
Choose Chose - Chosen - Escoger/Elegir
Come Came - Come - Venir
Cost Cost - Cost - Costar
Creep Crept - Crept - Arrastrarse/Trepar
Cut Cut - Cut- Cortar
Fall Fell - Fallen - Caer (se)
Feed Fed - Fed - Alimentar
Feel Felt - Felt - Sentir
Fight Fought - Fought - Luchar/Pelear
Find Found - Found - Encontrar
Fly Flew - Flown - Volar
Forbid Forbade - Forbidden - Prohibir
Forget Forgot - Forgotten - Olvidar
Forgive Forgave - Forgiven - Perdonar
Freeze Froze - Frozen - Congelar
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