Cosmological Argument Vocabulary


A Levels Philosophy (Cosmological Argument) Flashcards on Cosmological Argument Vocabulary, created by h00264 on 29/01/2014.
Flashcards by h00264, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by h00264 almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Cosmos The world or universe as a perfect and well-ordered system
A posteriori Argument based on the idea that things can be proved based on experience. Opposite of A Priori
A Priori Argument based on the idea that things are knowable independently of experience
The God of classical theism Eternal and seperate from the universe. God created and is outside time and space. There is only one God. God is eternal, immutable, omnipotent, and omniscient
Efficient cause Cause that is capable of performing an action and bringing about the desired result
Final Cause the reason for something to be bought about
Teleology Philosophical explination of phenomena by the purpose they serve, trather than the causes believed to be behind them
Supermely perfect To have all the perfections
Infinity Eternity; time without end
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