Definitions of Religion


A2 Sociology Unit 3 Beliefs in Society
Flashcards by pkayy11, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by pkayy11 about 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Problems with defining religion - No universal definition agreed on by all sociologists - Makes measuring religion difficult - Makes it hard to measure if socialisation has occurred or not
Three definitions of religion - Substantive definitions - Functional definitions - Social Constructionist definitions
Substantive definition - Content or substance of religious belief i.e. belief in God or supernatural - Weber - religion is a belief in the superior or supernatural power that is above nature and cannot be explained scientifically - Exclusive - draw a clear line between religious and non-religious belief in God - Do not allow room for religious beliefs and practices that do not involve belief in God e.g. Buddhism
Functional definition - Define religion in terms of the social or psychological functions it performs for individuals or society - Durkheim - defines religion in terms of the contribution it makes to social integration - Yinger - identifies functions performed by religion for individuals i.e. answering ultimate questions about the meaning of life and what happens when we die - Inclusive - includes wide range of beliefs and practices that perform functions such as integration - Just because an institution helps integrate individuals into groups, this does not make it a religion e.g. football
Social Constructionist definitions - Interpretivist approach focusing on how members of society themselves define religion - Not possible to produce a single universal definition that covers all cases; different individuals and groups have different experiences of religion - Aldridge - shows how Scientology is a religion for its followers; several governments have denied its legal status as a religion and sought to ban it - Do not assume religion always involves belief in God or the supernatural, or that it performs similar functions for everyone in all societies
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