Operating System Flashcards


Joel Smith
Flashcards by Joel Smith, updated more than 1 year ago
Joel Smith
Created by Joel Smith almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is File Management? File management is used by an operating system to organize and keep track of files e.g a hierarchical file system.
What is Input/output management? The way the operating system controls what data leaves or enters the system.
What is resource allocation? The way an operating system assigns and manages assets such as RAM, process power or time to perform certain functions.
What is Process management? Process management ensures that each process and application receives enough of the processor's time to function properly.
What is the definition of an operating system? A collection of programs that manages the hardware and software of a computer system, including sharing the computers time, memory, hardware and other resources.
What is Network Management? A variety of software and hardware tools that allow a system administrator to manage a network(s).
What is User Management? User management is an authentication system that allows the administrator(s) to control the state, permissions and number of users logged into the network.
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