ecosystems key terms


GCSE geography (living world) Flashcards on ecosystems key terms, created by williamsedgwick on 02/02/2014.
Flashcards by williamsedgwick, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by williamsedgwick about 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
ecosystem the living and non-living components of an environment and the interrelationships that exist between them
producers convert energy from the environment into sugars. the most obvious example of producers is plants
consumers obtain their energy from the sugars made by the producers. e.g. pond snail.
food chain shows the links between producers and consumers.
food web this shows the connections between producers and consumers in a more detailed way.
scavengers when living elements (plants and animals) of an ecosystem die, scavengers break them down and recycle them for nutrients. scavengers eat dead animals and plants.
decomposers are usually bacteria and fungi, they also recycle nutrients. they breakdown the remaining plant and animal material, often returning the nutrients to the soil.
nutrient cycle plants and animals use nutrients to grow. when they die scavengers and decomposers return the nutrients to the soil making the useful again
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