AS Psychology - Psychopathology


AS - Level Psychology (Paper 2) Flashcards on AS Psychology - Psychopathology , created by irenamileva on 22/04/2016.
Flashcards by irenamileva, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by irenamileva almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What are the 4 Definitions of Abnormality? • Statistical Deviation • Deviation from Social Norms • Failure to Function Adequately • Deviation from Ideal Mental Health
What is Statistical Deviation?
Give an Example of Statistical Deviation.
Evaluate Real-Life Application for Statistical Deviation.
Evaluate how Unusual Characteristics can be Positive for Statistical Deviation.
Evaluate that Not Everyone Unusual Benefits from a Label for Statistical Deviation.
What is Deviation from Social Norms?
Give an Example of Deviation from Social Norms.
Evaluate the fact that Deviation from Social Norms is Not a Sole Explanation.
Evaluate Cultural Relativism for Deviation from Social Norms.
Evaluate that Deviation from Social Norms Can Lead to Human Right Abuses.
What is Failure to Function Adequately?
Give an Example of Failure to Function Adequately.
Evaluate a Patient's Perspective for Failure to Function Adequately.
Evaluate that Failure to Function Adequately may Simply be a Deviation from Social Norms.
Evaluate Subjective Judgements for Failure to Function Adequately.
What is Deviation from Ideal Mental Health?
What is the Set Criteria for Ideal Mental Health by Jahoda?
Evaluate that Deviation from Ideal Mental Health is a Comprehensive Definition.
Evaluate Cultural Relativism for Deviation from Ideal Mental Health.
Evaluate that the Ideal Mental Health Criteria Sets an Unrealistically High Standard for Mental Health.
What are 3 Behavioural Characteristics of Phobias? • Panic • Avoidance • Endurance
Describe 3 Behavioural Characteristics of Phobias. • • •
What is a Phobia? • An irrational fear of an object or situation
What are 2 Emotional Characteristics of Phobias? • Anxiety • Emotional responses are unreasonable
Describe 2 Emotional Characteristics of Phobias.
What are 3 Cognitive Characteristics of Phobias? • Selective attention to the phobic stimulus • Irrational beliefs • Cognitive distortions
What is Depression? • A mental disorder characterised by low mood & low energy levels
What are 3 Behavioural Characteristics of Depression? • Reduced activity levels • Disruption to sleep & eating behaviour • Aggression & self-harm
Describe 3 Behavioural Characteristics of Depression. • • •
What are 3 Emotional Characteristics of Depression? • Lowered mood • Anger • Lowered self-esteem
Describe 3 Emotional Characteristics of Depression.
What are 3 Cognitive Characteristics of Depression? • Poor concentration • Attending to & dwelling on the negative • Absolutist thinking
Describe 3 Cognitive Characteristics of Depression.
What is OCD? • A condition characterised by obsessions and/or compulsive behaviour
What does OCD stand for? • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
What are 3 Behavioural Characteristics of OCD? • Repetitive compulsions • Compulsions reduce anxiety • Avoidance
Describe 3 Behavioural Characteristics of OCD.
What is the Cycle of OCD? image
What are 3 Emotional Characteristics of OCD? • Anxiety & distress • Accompanying depression • Guilt & disgust
Describe 3 Emotional Characteristics of OCD.
What are 3 Cognitive Characteristics of OCD? • Obsessive thoughts • Cognitive strategies to deal with obsessions • Insight into excessive anxiety
Describe 3 Cognitive Characteristics of OCD.
What is the Behavioural Approach? • A way of explaining behaviour in terms of what is observable & in terms of learning
What is The Two-Process Model? (Behavioural Approach to Explaining Phobias) • Mowrer, 1069 • Acquisition by Classical Conditioning • Maintenance by Operant Conditioning
Describe Acquisition by Classical Conditioning (Behavioural Approach to Explaining Phobias).
Describe Maintenance by Operant Conditioning (Behavioural Approach to Explaining Phobias).
Evaluate Good Explanatory Power (Behavioural Approach to Explaining Phobias).
Evaluate an Alternative Explanation for Avoidance Behaviour (Behavioural Approach to Explaining Phobias).
Evaluate an Incomplete Explanation of Phobias (Behavioural Approach to Explaining Phobias).
What are 2 Therapies for Treating Phobias? (Behavioural Approach to Treating Phobias) • Systematic Desensitisation • Flooding
What is Systematic Desensitisation? (Behavioural Approach to Treating Phobias)
Evaluate Systematic Desensitisation as Being Effective (Behavioural Approach to Treating Phobias).
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