C++ Syntax Keyword


Reserved words in C++. One side has Keywords. Other side has Details of use. PS cant use as part of identifier names.
Ariel Sanchez
Flashcards by Ariel Sanchez, updated more than 1 year ago
Ariel Sanchez
Created by Ariel Sanchez over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
asm Gives the ability to embed assembly language source code within a C++ program
auto (post c++11) auto evaluates intitializing proper type of variable based on value being assigned
bool variable type holding either a 0 or 1 to distinguish true or false
break used in within loops to release out of loop statement without processing next line WITHIN the loop and moves onto next line at the END of the loop statement (works with switch cases)
case the child keyword of switch statement declared as a per case outcome for instructions to perform
catch used with try block function as an exception handler for errors
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