Unit 1.2 Compounds


Flashcards on Unit 1.2 Compounds, created by ZARADOXX ALI on 04/05/2016.
Flashcards by ZARADOXX ALI, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by ZARADOXX ALI almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is a Compound? a compound is a substance that results from a combination of two or more different chemical elements.
Name some Compounds? Water, Salt, Candle wax, vegetable oil
What are you made up of? The human body is made up of only 16 elements.
What are the six common elements in your body Oxygen,Carbon,Hydrogen,Nitrogen,Calcium and phosphorus.
What is a molecular compound? A compound with molecules in it.
How many hydrogen and oxygen atoms are in a water molecule H2O 2 Hydrogen and 1 Oxygen
What are compound lattices? Lattices are a system of atoms that are connected to all the atoms around them. An example of a lattice is a salt crystal.
What is the scientific name for salt? Sodium Chloride
What is the formula of Slat SIO2
What is a gaseous Mixture? It is a mixture of 2 gases or more like air.
What is a liquid mixture? 2 or more liquids that can be mixed together.
Give an example of 2 liquids that can be mixed together? Oil and Water
What is one way that you can mix Oil and Water? By putting liquid soap with oil and water.
What is a colloid? if the solid dose not mix but the particles are very small then the solid liquid mixture is called a colloid.
What is a suspension? If the solid particles are bigger and sit down and the bottom of a liquid is a suspension.
what are alloys? Its is a mixture of 2 metals?
Give an example of an alloy , where it is used and how its made Stainless steel is used for cutlery and adding chromium and nickel to make stainless steel.
What is miscible? Stuff that can be mixed
what is immiscible? things that cant be mixed together.
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