SAB RS JC Experiment


Exam type questions and answers
Flashcards by jospeh.coyne, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by jospeh.coyne almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Explain why some Christians use Situation Ethics when making a moral decision The main reasons some Christians agree are: Firstly, it allows Christians to follow Jesus’ teaching today as it may be the most loving thing to do. Secondly, it can be used in any situation and it enables a flexible response
Explain why some Christians will NOT use Situation Ethics when making a moral decision The main reasons some Christians disagree are: Firstly, it may not lead to the most loving outcome for everyone i.e. switching off life support to provide transplant organs. Secondly, it may lead to someone breaking a religious rule or be against the law of the land.
“Voting is a waste of time.” In your answer you should refer to Christianity. Do you agree? Give reasons for your opinion. (3 marks) I agree with this statement because the political parties don’t always represent people’s views. Also, voting doesn’t always change anything and there may be nobody worth voting for. Finally, the political parties you can vote for do not always have Christian values‘.
“Voting is a waste of time.” In your answer you should refer to Christianity. Give reasons why some people may disagree with you. (3 marks) Others would disagree with me because voting allows you to influence how the country is governed so by voting you are loving your neighbour. Voting also allows you to support parties which uphold Christian values. Finally, voting enables your voice to be heard.
Do you think stewardship is an important religious teaching for the world today? Give two reasons for your point of view. I think it is an important because everyone has to live on the planet so we must make sure we are not ruining God’s creation. I also agree because we want it to be a safe place for future generations and not a place that is polluted. It is also a command given by God.
Explain why infertility treatment is important to childless couples. (1 of 2) Firstly, they can have their own biological child. This is better than adoption as it gives couples a genetic connection. Secondly, it’s important for a couple to have a baby as it gives couples the joy of children.
Explain why infertility treatment is important to childless couples. (2 of 2) Thirdly, infertility is a medical problem that can be cured and infertility has been known to lead to depression. Finally, infertility can lead to marriage breakdown. The birth of a child can create a stronger bond between two people.
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