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Were peace treaties of 1919-23 fair?


Were peace treaties of 1919-23 fair?
Eleanor Simpson-Williams
Flashcards by Eleanor Simpson-Williams, updated more than 1 year ago
Eleanor Simpson-Williams
Created by Eleanor Simpson-Williams almost 9 years ago
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Resource summary

Question Answer
Who was Woodrow Wilson? President of the USA
What were some of his 14 points? SDSFFFF Set up LN Disarmament Self-determination of eastern Europe Freedom of seas Free trade Freedom for all colonies and countries France get Alsace Lorraine No secret treaties
What happened at the Paris Peace conference of 1919-20? In the palace of Versailles 5 treaties were drawn up 32 nations were represented All important decisions on fate of Germany were taken by Clemenceau
Who was David Lloyd George? Prime minister of Britain
What did Lloyd George say to the House of Commons? "the severity must be designed, not for vengeance, but for justice"
Who was Georges Clemenceau? Prime Minister of France
What were the pressures on Clemenceau? France suffered damage to land, industry, people and self-confidence. Germany's land and industry had not been damaged as badly as France's. C didn't want Germany to be strong so couldn't attack France again.
Why did Clemenceau not agree with Wilson? C resented W's generous attitude to Germany after they had suffered so much. Disagreed over what to do with Rhineland and coalfields in the Saar.
Why did Clemenceau not agree with Lloyd George? LG didn't want to treat Germany too harshly and didn't care about France according to Clemenceau; only the safety of Britain That's why LG wanted Germany to get rid of navy and colonies
Why did Wilson and Lloyd George disagree? LG didn't like 'freedom of the seas' as they had a huge army LG didn't like W's views on people ruling themselves.
What were the terms of the TV? War Guilt Reparations Colonies taken away LN Alsace-Lorraine returned to France Army cut to 100,000 men 6 battleships and no submarines or tanks
How did Germans react to War guilt and reparations? G didn't think they started the war. Thought blame should be shared. Bitter that Germany had to pay for damage caused by war even though German economy was weakened.
How did Germany react to disarmament? Army symbol of Germany's pride Army of 100,000 small for a country of Germany's size None of allies forced to disarm in the same way
How much territory did Germany lose? 10% of land in Europe All overseas colonies 12.5% of population 16% coalfields Almost half of iron and steel industry
What was the impact of the Treaty on Germany? PV Political violence- Kapp Putsch, 1920 Foreign minister murdered 1922 Munich Putsch, 1923
What was the impact of the Treaty on Germany? Ruhr 1923 G couldn't pay F and Belgian took what wanted Passive resistance called France killed over 100 workers expelled over 100,000 protesters from the region Hyperinflation
Possible reasons why Germany stopped paying reparations? Reparations to high and G virtually bankrupt G didn't want to pay, bitter over TV G wanted to create a crisis to force countries to revise treaty
What were the other 4 treaties? St Germain, 1919 - Austria Neuilly, 1919 - Bulgaria Trianon, 1920 - Hungary Sevres, 1920 - Turkey
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