

Flashcards by gowderknits, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by gowderknits over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What are the common thing for human andother beings? Other are some commonthings matchwiththese two.they are ahaSahara,nidhra,bsyam,maithunam.
Howhumandiffer fromother beings? Humanisdedifferent fromother beings because of intellect.
What isprimary goal of human? Mokshaisthe primary goal of the human
How many goals prescribed by scriptures? Four goals prescribed by our scriptures.
What are the limitations of secondary goals? Secondary goal has limitations.they are pain,dissatisfaction and dependence.
Is primary goal has any limitations? Noprimary goal dodoesn'thas any limitations.
Secondary goal as calledby? Preyas
What primary goal calledby ? Sreyas
What ismeant by wordsastram? "SAS" means teach.trai means protect.
What are the four Vedas? Rig,yazur,Osama,adhavana.
Is Vedas inventedby human? No
Why we needsecondary scriptures? Secondary scriptures arrangedsystematically.but vVedas not .
Howmany puran'sandsubpurana's we have? We have 18purana's and18subpurana's
Whoistethe author of these purana's? Vyasa
What are the twoIthihasa's? Ramayana,mahabaratham.
Whoisthe author of mahabaratha? Same vyasa is author of mahabaratha.
How many verses in mahabaratha? 100000 verses
What isthe nname of first pportionof scriptures? First portioniscalledby Veda-purva
What isthe name of endportions of scriptures? Veda-anta
Howmmany "varnas" prescribedby Vedas? We have four varnas? Brahmana,jsatria,vaisyaandsudra.
Varnaclassificationmade by howmany categories? Three
What are the things classified by birth? Bornof "brahmanas,jsatriyas,vaisyas,sudras.
What are things classifiedby character? Bramana-contemplative,ksatriya-selflessly active,vaisyas-selfishlyaactive,sudras-idle.
What are the things classifiedby ooccupation? Bramana's-scriptural education,ksatriya-admin&defence,vaisyas-commerce&agriculture,sudras-unskilledlabour.
Is there any chance tochange my jati? No.
Is there any chance tochange my gguns? Yes. We can.
Inspiritual journey what are the four sstages? Brahmachari,grahadtha,vanaprastha,sanyasa.
Whichisfully dedicatedtomoksha? The fourthstage of sanyasaisfully deddedicatedtomoksha
What are the sadhana's toattainmoksha? Karmayoga,upasanayoga,jnanayoga.
What are the three categories inkarmayoga? Satvika,rajas aandtamasa?
What isthe bbenefit of doingsatvik karma? Satvik karmahelptothe inner andsprituspiritual growth?
What are the sacredkkarmas for inner growth? Pancha-maha-yazna.
What are the five sacredkarmas? Devayajna,pitr yajna,brahmayajna,manushyayajna,bhutayajna
What I s basedonrarajas akarma? Rajas akarmabasedonour desire.
What isthe nature of tamasakarma? The nature of tamasakarma's wrongactions like violence,cheating,etc.
Howcanwe becbecome akarmayogi? Ifwe canavoidingtamasa,reducingtanasaandincreasingsatvikajarmakarmawe canbecome karmayogi
What isyoga? Yogameans proper attitude.its the mental state of eequanimity,balance,aniin perturbedconditionwhichhelpinmakinglife effective.
Howcanwe get mental balance? By followingacceptance,non-comparison,humility,devotion.
What is"upasanayoga"? Discipliningandintegratingthe perspersonality.
What are the powers havingby hHunan? I chasakthi,kriyasakthi,jnanashakthi.
What are the four levels of descipline scriptures talkingabout? Phisical,verbal,sensory ,mental desciplines.
What isthe principleof discipline? The principleof descipline isquantity,quality controls.
what is descipline of physical refer to? we have to pay attention to the physical body and physical activities.because without health we cannot accomplish anything.
what is verbal discipline refer to? we should have control on our verbal both quality and quantity.we should avoid argument,harmful words,we should use polite,useful and truthful etc.
what is sensory discipline? avoidance of unhealthy atmosphere is called sensory discipline.
what is mental discipline? In mental we have to take care of several parts.there are four aspects of the mind discipline.1.relaxation,2.concentration,3.expansion,4.refinement.
how can we relax mentally? one method of relaxing is mentally visualizing the nature.
how can we concentrate? recitation of some prayers or mental repetition of some mantras or some name of lord.
what is gnana yoga directs to? gnana yoga alone leads to moksha.
what is the difference between mumukshu and jijnasu? mumukshu is seeker of freedom. and the jijnasu is seeker of knowledge.
which helps me to know about myself? sastra pramanam is lead me to know myself.
what is the significant role of guru? to avoid wrong interpretation and save the time.he guide for us to a systematic study.
what are the stages in jnana yoga? there are three stages. sravanam, mananam,nidhityasanam.
what you meant by sravanam? sravanam simply meant listening
what is meant by mananam? mananam simply meant questioning.
what is nidhityasanam? repeating the sravanam and mananm is called nidhityasanam.
To become liberated person what is the procedure? To become a jivan muktha(liberated person) we can through sravanam, mananam, niddhyasanam.
what is bakthi? bakthi means deevotion towards god.
what are types in bakthi? matr bakthi,pitr bakthi,guru bakthi,ddesa bakthi,isvara bakthi.
what are the three categories in love? "means love,end love,self love.
what is bakthi yoga? bhakthi yoga is course of discipline consisting of karma,upasana,jnana yoga to attain the goal of moksha.
how many definition to god? there are three levels of definition.
what are the first level of definition god? jagat-kartha-isvara. god creates the universe.
what is the definition of second level of god? jagat-karanam-isvara god became world.
what is the third level definition of god? jagat-adhistanam-isvara god appear like world(god is world)
what is paribhasa ? paribasah means technical terms which are unique to a particular science.without understanding those technical words if we study scripture is meaningless.
who is adhikari? an elgible student is called by name of adhikari.
what are the qualification for an adhikari? four fold qualification is required for an adhikari. vivegam,vairagam,satka sampatti,mumuksuthuvam
what is meant by vivegam? the discrimination between sreyas and preyas calleed helps me to choose right path.
what is meant by vairagam? The growing out the dharma ,artha, and kama is vairagam. its not meant hating all thesse preyas.
what is mumukshthuvam? stretching ourselves to reach the sreyas is mumukshuthuvam.
what is satka sampatti? it meant six fold inner discipline.
what are six fold discipline? sama,dama,uparma,titiksha,sradha,samadhanam.
what is sama? sama -mind includes all our powers--iccha ,kriya,jnana.
what is dama? dama-sense control. regulating the sense organs.
what is uparma? the willing to physically,sensually,mentally withdraw is called uparma.
what is titiksha? it means the physical and mental capacity to experience the pairs of opposites without seriously getting affected.
what is meant by sraddha? faith
what is meant by samadhanam? by conccentration both long term and short term focusing.short-freedom from distraction. long-persisting sight of the ultimate goal moksha.
what is sarira trayam? every individual has sarira tryam.three bodies.they are sthula,sukshma,karana.
what is sthula sariram refer to? sthula sariram is gross includes the part of head trunk hands and legs.its visible for everyone.
what is sukshma sariram? shubtle body is called suksma includes sense organs of knoledge,action.physiological systems,inner organs.its experienceale by us
what is karana sariram? casual body is called karana sariram. it includes physical and subtle body in unmanifest form.its totally unvisible for everyone.
what are the part in subtle body for sense organs of knowledge? ear,skin,eye,tongue,nose.
what are the sense organs for the action of subtle body? mouth,hand,pada,payu,upastha.
what is meant by pancha-pranas? the inner system which energies the body is called by the name of pancha pranas.
what are the five functions in pancha pranas? prana,apana,samana,vyana,udana.
what is the duty of subtle body? subtle body carry over all of our punyam and papa.its the store house .
what is avastha trayam? avastha tryam means three states of experience.
what are the three state experiences? jagad avastha-waking svapna avastha-dreaming susupti avastha-sleeping
what is waking state? function through the physical body and sense organs and contract the external world.
what is dreaming state? a projected worls born out of the activation of the include previous jenma also.
what is sleeping deep sleep state? exception of the both physical and vasanas activation.very refreshing state.
what is kosa's? kasa means cover.the sariram itself is called from another angle .
how many kasas we have? we have five kosas.
what are the five kosas? annamaya,pranamaya,manonmaya,vijnanamaya,ananthamaya.
what is annamaya kosa? the sthula sariram is known as annamaya kosa.
what is pranamaya kosa? the five fold prana along with the five sense organs of actions form is called pranamaya.
what is manonmaya? the group of sense organs and mind is called manonmaya.
what is vijnanamaaya? the five sense organs of knoledge is called buddhi. pancha jnaedrsayes with buddhi represnt jnana shakthi is called vijnananmaya.
what is ananathamaya? the karana sariram is called anandhamaya kosaas.
what is anathma? sarira trayam+avastha trayam+pancha kosas is called anathma.
what is atma? except all sarara , avastha, kosa. alone sprit is called atma.
what is meant by "cit" consciousness called cit in sanscrit
is the consciousness part of the body? no.
is consciousnesses has any limitations? no
will consciousness survive after death? yes. it can survive.
what is meant by sat-cit-ananda? atma is called by the name of satcit has no limitations.
is every human has both athma and anathma? yes
If i shift my vision from anathma to athma what is my first enquiry? who am i?
what is drg-drsya-vivega? subject-object discrimination is called drg drsya vivega.
who is brahman? brahman means infinite.
what is difference between atma and braman? when we see in individual its called atma,when it seems in all over it called brahman.
what is oc? original consciousness.its called brahman.
what is rc? reflect consciousness is isvara for macro level and micro level its called by jiva
what is prajna? rc---casual body
what is taijasa? rc--subtle body
what is visva? rc--gross body.
what is virat? rc---gross universe
what is hirayagarbha? rc--subtle universe.
what is antrayami? rc--caasual universe.
what is mahavakyas? in our scriptures which statements reveal oneness called mahavakyas..
what is rig veda mahavakya? prajnam brahma.
what yajur veda vakya? aham brahmasmi.
what is sama veda vakya? tat avam asi
what is atharvan veda vakya? ayam atma brahma.
which jnanam will give liberation? advaitha jnanam.
vedanta will give what? advaitha jnanam.
what are the benefit of following sastra? by following sastra we get types of benifit.jiva , vidhea mukthi.
what is jiva mukthi? is the benifit of knowledge enjoyed at the mental level in various forms . it will get in life time.
what is vidhea mukthi? freedom after death.
is any other mukthi is there? yes. krama mukthi.
what is krama mukthi? krama mukthi also one of the benifit. it got to brahma loga. and we get self knowledge from brahman.
what are the karma phalam? every actions produces phalam. it meant result.
what are the types of karma phalam? two types of karma phalam is there.drsta phalam,adrsta phalam.
vihitha karma produce what? punyam
nisshidha karma produces what? papam
what are the categories in adrsta phalam? three types is there. sanchita ,prarbtha,agami.
what is sanchita karma? all the unfructified punya papas accumulated in the past jenmas are called sancitha karma.
what is prarbtha karma? the fructyfieng portion is called prarbtha karma.
what is agami karma? the punya-papas which are acqured in this jenma are called agami karma.
is agamai affect jnani? no..because his actions are done without without identification of anathma.
what happen at the time of death? sanchitha karma is burnt,prarbtha is exhusated,agami is avoidded
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