Social Influence and social change


My flashcards for Social Change - AQA Psychology
Elise Lambert
Flashcards by Elise Lambert, updated more than 1 year ago
Elise Lambert
Created by Elise Lambert almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is meant by social change? Social change refers to a whole society adopting new attitudes, beliefs and ways of doing things.
What factors help social change? Drawing attention, consistency, deeper processing, augmentation principle, snowball effect, social cryptoamnesia
How does Asch's research help understand social change. He highlighted the importance of dissent in one of his variations. This broke the power of the majority and encouraged others to dissent. Such decent has the potential to lead to social change.
How does Milgram's research help us to understand social change? demonstrates the importance of disobedient role models which has the potential to lead to social change.
What research has gone into social change? Nolan et al: hung messages on the front doors or san Diego houses to reduce energy. Some told them that other people were doing it, some just told them to try to save energy. It short normative social influence can influence social change
What is a limitation of minority influence? Social changes happen slowly when they happen at all and are also very indirect.
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