WH semester exam


world history second semester exam review
Flashcards by baileysmith001, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by baileysmith001 over 8 years ago

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Question Answer
What was the result of the english bill of rights Foundation was laid for a constitutional monarchy
Define Absolutism Belief in absolute principles in political, ethical, and theological matters
Name of event in which William of Orange Glorious Revolution
Who Allowed the Manchus to establish the Qing Dynasty? Ming Dynasty
Whose reign allowed China's borders to be expanded to their biggest extent? Qianglong
What was the purpose of the tennis court oath To create a french revolution
Which group in tokugawa class system were the social outcasts? eta
what groups defeated napoleon prussian and british
which group was not granted rights in the declaration of the rights of man and citizen women
What does the divine right of the king The king receives his power from and rules under god
What astronomic system states that earth is the center of the universe? geocentric
Where did the industrial revolution begin great britain
What are spheres of influence areas were foreign powers have been granted exclusive powers
Russia fought japan for control of which country china
during early industrial revolution what was great britains most important product cotton cloth
what countries made up french indochina Cambodia, Annam, Tonkin, and Laos
What were the boxers trying to accomplish in china a reform
What war caused the establishment of south africa by great britain Boer
What development during the industrial revolution increased productivity assembly line
What happened to the population of england and western europe during the industrial revolution massive increase
What were people asking for during the tai ping rebellion social reform
During which war were airplanes and tanks used for the first time cold war
which country was unhappy with the treaty of versailles germany
Define total war The complete mobilization of resources and people
The group the Black Hand was responsible for whose assassination Archduke francis ferdinand
at the end of wwi which country was broken up into smaller independent nations and ceased to exist korea
Salvador dali was known for what type of painting surrealism
What countries made up the central powers during WWI Bolgaria, ottoman empire, austria hungary, and germany
what happens during an economic depression rising unemployment and low economic activity
which laws excluded the jews from german citizenship and did not allow intermarriage between jews and germans nuremberg laws
what was the schlieffen plan plan of two-front war with france and russia
what did francisco franco do revolted against the democratic government
who was the fascist leader of italy mussoli
which conference did world leaders decide to make a final assault on germany tehran conference
what wat the pre war policy used by the UN to handle increased german aggression foreign affairs
who created the painting style known as cubism picasso
which country used the blackshirts as their secret police italy
which battle of WWII was the worst defeat for Germany battle of stalingrad
who were the superpowers during the cold war soviet union and eastern europe
which country was divided at the end of WWII germany
what was the berlin airlift US and britain sent cargo planes of food and supplies to west berlin
what was the policy of brinkmanship during the Cold War bluffing to approach war to scare enemies away
what was the name of the group of youth that mao zedong used during his cultural revolution red guards
which soviet leader tried to help the failing soviet union with reforms gorbachev
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