Inguinal Canal


1 Human Anatomy Flashcards on Inguinal Canal, created by jemimanerima on 20/05/2016.
Flashcards by jemimanerima, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by jemimanerima almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is the inguinal canal? Oblique passage in lower part of anterior abdominal wall -passage for structures from abdomen to perineum
How long? 4cm
extends from where to where? superficial inguinal ring to deep inguinal ring
Superficial inguinal ring location and shape triangular above and medial to pubic tubercle
Deep inguinal ring location and shape oval 2.5cm above mid inguinal point
Boundaries of inguinal canal Anterior-External oblique Posterior-Fascia transversalis Superior-Internal oblique and transversus abdominis Inferior-Inguinal ligament
Contents of inguinal canal (females) Round ligament of the uterus Genital branch of femoral nerve
Contents of inguinal canal (males) Spermatic code: -Vas deferens -Testicular artery -Testicular vein -Lymphatics -Autonomic nerves -Remains of proccesus vaginalis -Genital branch of genital femoral nerve -Artery to vas deferens -Cremasteric artery
Mechanisms of IC -Absent in children -Roof collapses during coughing and sneezing -During childbirth, defecation and urine, body assumes squatting position so thigh is pressed against canal -Superficial and deep rings are reenforced by fibre of internal oblique and transversus abdominis
HERNIAS? Protrusion of an internal organ beyond its normal confinements
Composed of? Sac contents of the sac coverings of the sac
2 types of classifications 1. External and Internal 2. Congenital and Acquired
Indirect inguinal hernia Hernia sac enters the canal through the inguinal ring Common in children bilateral congenital more common in males
Direct inguinal hernias Hernia sac doesnt enter canal but pushes through wall common in elderly males acquired
femoral hernia common in women very small, painful high chance of strangulation
difference between inguinal and femoral femoral-hernia sac located above and lateral to pubic tubercle inguinal-below and medial to pubic tubercle
umbilical hernia Congenital/Omphalocoele-failure of retraction of intestinal loops Acquired-breakdown of scar tissue
Incisional Follow surgery. Causes include infection, poor surgical repair, poor surgical incision
Hiatus abdominal contents enter thoracic cavity through diaphragmatic appetures
Epigastric Due to separation of linea alba
Lumbar hernia Occurs in the back
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