Research Paper and MLA Format


easy Language Arts Flashcards on Research Paper and MLA Format, created by Sophie Sabino on 22/05/2016.
Sophie Sabino
Flashcards by Sophie Sabino, updated more than 1 year ago
Sophie Sabino
Created by Sophie Sabino over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
direct quote when the writer uses words from a source exactly as they were written. The words are taken verbatim. A direct quote is indicated by putting the words in quotation marks “ “. A direct quote must be cited.
indirect quote is when the writer paraphrases, or puts an idea from a source into his/her own words. An indirect quote MUST be cited.
MLA Format *The modern Language Association (MLA) style guide for academic writing *A standardized way to document the writer’s source materials * provides guidelines for the creation of a bibliography (called a “works Cited” page) and its parenthetical (within the text) citation.
Why do we use MLA? *It puts the focus on the writing and not the “fluff” *It creates an awareness of your readers/audience
Parenthetical Citation *directly write a note from where the information was found *Parenthetical or “in-text” citation allows your reader to know from what source each idea/fact came *it looks like this: (Smith, 38) or (
Works Cited Page *A “Works Cited” page is the name that MLA gives to a bibliography. *It is a listing of all of the sources you cited in the body of your paper *It is always going to be the last page of your essay or report
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