8:1 Elements and Compounds Wordlist


Flashcards by BaiMcd, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by BaiMcd over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
atom The smallest whole part of matter
element A type of matter made up of one type of atom
molecule A type of matter made of two or more atoms chemically bonded together
chemical symbol A shorthand way to represent an element and molecule
compound A type of matter made of two or more different types of atoms chemically bonded together
physical change A type of change in which the form of matter changes it physical state as a result of energy changes
chemical change A type of change where one or more substances are chemically altered into one or more new and different substances
chemical reaction The process which brings about a chemical change
acid A substance with particular chemical properties including turning litmus red, neutralising alkalis, often corrosive and sour-tasting.
metal A type of matter which is typically a solid, shiny, malleable and ductile, with good electrical and thermal conductivity
alloy A type of metal made by combining two or more metallic elements to give different physical properties
lustre The manner in which a newly exposed surface of a metal reflects light
malleable The ability of a metal to be beaten to form shapes without breaking
ductile The ability of a metal to be drawn out to form a wire
conductivity The ability of a substance to allow electricity or heat to travel through it
extraction The process by which metals are removed from mineral ores
electrolysis The process by which electric current is passed through a substance to effect a chemical change.
decomposition A type of chemical reaction where a substance is broken down into two or more simpler substances
synthesis A type of chemical reaction where two or more substances chemically combine to form a new substance
precipitation A type of chemical reaction where two soluble salt solutions are combined to form an insoluble solid
neutralisation A type of chemical reaction where an acid and a base interact to form a salt and water
biopolymer A very large molecule made by living organisms
petroleum Known as crude oil, an oily mixture of hydrocarbons that can be extracted from layers of rock and used to produce fuel and polymers
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