

Flashcards on Slavery, created by Shaz Lee on 24/05/2016.
Shaz Lee
Flashcards by Shaz Lee, updated more than 1 year ago
Shaz Lee
Created by Shaz Lee over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Slave A person who is the legal property of another and is forced to obey them
Which type of slave was better; house or field The conditions for a house slave is better than a field slave
Why was being a house slave hard work? They were not typically considered people or even "employees" but they were considered properties and were spoken as if they were cattle
What type of people were house slaves? They were normally part-white (quadroon, mulatto, octoroon, etc.) Their masters found them more "attractive" ,which in their owner's eyes, made them more suitable to work in the home
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