
Exam Sem 1
Flashcards by evane18, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by evane18 almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Physcology Study of soul and mind (human behaviour)
Pseduoscience An Imitation of physcology - doesn't follow the scienctific method.
Cause & Effect A simple experiment is one of the most basic methods of determining whether there is a cause-and-effect relationship between two variables.
POPULATION The group of people you are studying or researching EXAMPLE Primary school students
SAMPLE This is the subgroup of the population that represents the population. This makes research simpler EXAMPLE 60 primary students between the age of 8-12
PARTICIPANT A person (or animal) taking part in the stud
SAMPLING The method by which participants are selected for the study
RANDOM SAMPLING Every person in the population has an equal chance of being selected E.G HAT DRAW
STRATIFIED SAMPLING The problem with random is you could miss a particular group In stratified sampling the population is divided into groups called strata and the sample is then drawn from these groups e.g stats
VAIRABLES A variable is a factor or element that can change in observable and measurable ways. There are three major types of variable that must be considered
INDEPENDENT VARIABLE The IV is the variable that is of interest to the researcher. They want to know whether the IV will cause an effect. EXAMPLE often a treatment being tested. Sugar
DEPENDENT VARIABLE The DV is the variable that is being measured It is a response to the IV. If the IV is the cause, then the DV is the effect EXAMPLE what is the participant’s response to the treatment? Were the kids more active after the sugar
EXTRANEOUS VARIABLE These are variables that may influence the DV and therefore affect the results. They are sometimes called a ‘nuisance’ as they really need to be controlled for. EXAMPLE the intelligence of participants could affect results. How active students already are
CONTROL GROUP The group of participants who do not receive the IV EXAMPLE they do not receive the treatment being tested. Measurements taken from the control group are then used as a ‘baseline’ against which those in the experimental group are compared to determine if the treatment had an effect.
EXPERIMENTAL GROUP The group who receive the IV
RESEARCH (EXPERIMENT) An experiment is a study or test used to establish cause and effect, conducted in an environment under the control of the researchers. This type of study is often used to determine the effect of a treatment. Participants are randomly allocated into either a control group or an experimental group.
RESEARCH (NATURAL OBSERVATION) Psychologists observe people or animals in their natural habitat without being seen or noticed ADVANTAGE: People or animals would then behave as they would normally DISADVANTAGE: Little or no control over variables.
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