Geography flash Cards


Word List and some basic terms
Saharsh Joshi
Flashcards by Saharsh Joshi, updated more than 1 year ago
Saharsh Joshi
Created by Saharsh Joshi over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
HDI It is a composite statistic of life expectancy, education and income per person/capita
Globalisation It is the integration and interaction of people, companies and nations
What are TNCs TNCs are transnational corporations
What are TNCs Corporation that exist internationally
What is Economic Integration growing number of commercial links between countries and firms
Adoption Taking Up mass Consumer Culture
Adaptation The adjusting of mass consumer culture to suit new circumstances
Global inequalities idea that people in different places are unequal in terms of economic qualities, development levels for countries and distributions of wealth.
Developed world Countries that have high levels of industrial development and most of population enjoys good standard of living
Development Process of change that result in an improvement in quality of life
Developing world Nation with less developed industrial base and lower HDI
Public wealth Infrastructure of a community- supplied by government
Private wealth Income and savings of individuals
Absolute Poverty Coping without resources and barely surviving
Poverty Not having the basic needs for surviving
Relative Poverty Poverty in relation to other society members
GDP per capita Total value of goods and services produced in a country each year.
Gross National income- GNI Profit made from buying and selling things overseas
Gross national product estimate of total value of final products and services produced in a given period.
Development indicators Aspects of development that can be measured
Fossil fuels Energy producing materials-oil, coal and gas, formed from fossils and plants.
Global commons Resources that no nation or person has legal rights over
Inequalities differences that exist in people’s standard of living or life.
Infrastructure Features of environment like roads, public transport, schools, hospitals etc
Squatter settlement unplanned settlement dominated by makeshift dwellings that are often built by scrap timbers.
Income poverty When a family's income does not meet the country's threshold
Extreme poverty Having less than a dollar a day
Income perspective indicates a person is poor if they’re income is below country’s poverty line.
Most needed Essential Resource Water. 1.2 billion people lack access
Drivers in Globalisation Advances in transport, growth of TNCs, expansion of world trade and communication advances
Standard of living A term used to describe the economic well- being of people
Quality of life A term used to describe the way in which people live their daily lives, not just how poor or wealthy they are.
Reserve An unused supply of a non-renewable resource
Resource Any part of the environment that is used to meet the needs of people
Slum A permanent dwelling that is now a state of disrepair
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