Economics Semester 1 definition


Semester 1 definition revision
Flashcards by julia_matic, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by julia_matic about 8 years ago

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Globalisation Refers to the opening up of international borders to the flow of trade, investment, immigration, information and technology
Trade Liberalisation Reduction or removal of trade barriers and movement toward free trade
Trade Intensity The proportion of GDP that are made up of imports and exports Trade Intensity= (X-M) / GDP * 100
Multi-national corporations A business that has a headquarter in a country but operates in many others
International Competitiveness Ability of a firm or a nation to offer goods and services that meet the quality standards of the local and world markets at prices that are competitive and provide adequate returns on the resources consumed in producing them.
Contagion Economic growth in one country can have a positive or negative effect on another
Trade Bloc A set of countries engaging in international trade together, and are usually related through a free trade agreement or other association.
Economies of scale as output increases, cost of production of goods and services falls.
Protection The artificial advantage provided by the government to assist infant industries to compete against MNCs
Tariff Tax on imported goods. Aim to make imports expensive to support domestic firms
Subsidy Financial assistance by the government to help new established industries compete
Quota Limit on the quantity of goods that can be imported into the country
Embargo Total ban on imports
Free Trade Trading with other countries that does not have any trade barriers
Absolute Advantage A country has absolute advantage if it can produce goods and services more efficiently than another
Comparative advantage the ability of a country to produce goods and services more efficiently at a lower opportunity cost than another
Balance of Payments The record of all economic transactions between the residents of a country and the rest of the world in a particular period
Current Account records financial transactions in goods, services, primary and secondary income.
Current account deficit When payments for goods, services, primary and secondary income exceeds receipt
Current account surplus When receipts for goods, services, primary and secondary income exceeds payments
Direct Investments Ownership of 10% or more of a business
Portfolio Investment Ownership of less than 10%
Merchandise Trade Difference between exports and imports (goods only)
Balance of Trade difference of exports and imports (bothe goods and services)
Capital and Financial Account records of all financial transactions between capital and financial account
Terms of trade Relative price of imports and exports or the ratio of export price to import price ToT= XPI / MPI * 100
Exchange rate The price of one country's currency in terms of another country's currency
Trade weighted index price of a currency in terms of a basket of currencies of he major trading partners
Foreign exchange market (ForEx) Buying or selling of foreign currencies
Floating exchange rate Where the price of the currency is determined by market forces of demand and supply
Fixed exchange rate Price of the currency does not change regardless of demand and supply for that currency
Appreciation The strengthening of currency against the trading partners
Depreciation the decline in value of the price of our currency
Foreign debt is the sum of money that a country's residents, both public and private, owe to the rest of the world
assets what we own
Liabilities What we owe to the rest of the world
Net worth the difference between the assets and liabilities (assets - liabilities)
Debt servicing ratio refers to interest payments as a proportion of export earnings
Gross foreign debt the total amount borrowed from non-residents
Net foreign debt difference between what we owe and what other owe us
Foreign investment stock of financial assets in a country owned by foreign residents
foreign equity sale of Australian assets
trade creation
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