Accounts Scenarios


AMAD Accounts
Tiprin A. Lujan
Flashcards by Tiprin A. Lujan, updated more than 1 year ago
Tiprin A. Lujan
Created by Tiprin A. Lujan about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Your trip has an optional activity that your group would like to participate in and you notice that you can get a discount on the activity if you pre pay with a credit card. However your personal credit card dosen't have enough credit limit for the optional activity. What should you do ? Answer is no, you should never use your AMAD card for non - included optional activities. You should collect cash from your passengers for these activities and either pay with the collected cash or use your personal credit card.
You have a free day and decide to go to watch a movie. You grab a credit card from your wallet to make a payment without realizing it. When you go to put your card back in your wallet you realize to your horror that you have bought your movie ticket and popcorn with your AMAD card. What do you do ? Use of company card for personal purchase is strictly prohibited, so never use company card for personal purchase. You will treat the movie theater as a bank and code as a ATM withdrawal.
You are checking out of hotel on a trip and you give your company card to the front desk. As you are waiting, you get distracted by questions from your group. You leave the property without collecting your card and realize 15 mins away from the hotel that you don't have it with you. What do you do ? Since you are only 15 mins away, you can turn around and head back to the hotel for the card. Never try to save time by asking hotel to mail your card to your next location, as this could compromise card security. If you are farther away DO NOT GO BACK, instead call Bank of America and cancel your current card. Call the office and let us know about the situation so that we can order a new card for you and give you instructions on how to handle the rest of your trip exspenses.
You have a tight turnaround in between your trips and you will not have time to email your accounts spreadsheet within 24 hours of the trip ending. What should you do ? Send an email to letting us know that you will be late turning in your accounts, due to back to back trips. Make sure to include your manager on that email, so they are also aware about the situation.
You are given your AMAD credit card during your Finance Training. When you are finished with the session, you put the card in your jacket pocket and rush off to your next meeting. At the end of the day, you realize that you cannot find your leader credit card. What do you do ? Treat your company card with same respect as you would treat your personal credit card. Never put card in the place that is not 100% secure. Make sure to put it in your wallet/ purse/money clip but not in your pocket/sock /anywhere it could potentially fall out without you noticing until its too late.
You are at a gas station and after filling up your van you realize that the receipt printing machine is broken and cannot print a receipt. What do you do ? You can go inside the gas station and ask receipt from cashier. In case there is no cashier available, take photo of gas pump, showing gallons purchased along with amount charged. You will then attach this photo with your accounts email.
You pay for metered parking, however the machine does not give you receipt. What do you do ? Take a picture of meter with your phone and turn in that photo as a receipt with your accounts. One key thing here is, meter should display date, time , name of city and amount charged. This photo should be turned in with your accounts.Also where ever possible use your company card.
Sometimes when you go to coin operated van wash, you may not get a receipt for washing your van. How would you get reimbursed for this van wash? As you are aware by now, we require receipts for any expense you have incurred. In this case if you are not able to get a receipt, take a picture of van wash along with you, van and van wash in the picture. Attach this picture with your accounts as a receipt.
You are at a gas station filling up your van's gas tank. You pay at the pump and when you finish up, you continue down the road. When you finish driving for the day and are setting up camp you realize you left your AMAD Card sitting on top of the pump at the gas station 100 miles away. What do you do ? Don't put the card anywhere but your wallet when you are done with it and this won't happen to you! But if this did happen, you should call Bank of America and cancel card ASAP.Call Bina or Prachi and explain what happened , so we can order you a new card.
You meet your fellow leader on the road. He/She is in need of money for an included group activity/ meal and cannot withdraw money using their company card as they have reached their limit for the month. They ask help from you and see if you can withdraw some cash using your company card to give to them. What would you do ? As a company policy we do not want you guys to give money to fellow leaders without getting approval from your manager. Call you manager get their approval and if approved you can give money to fellow leader. Make sure to send email to us finance, include your manager, leader who you are giving money to and manager of the leader regarding exchange of money. Key here is never give money to another leader without prior approval.
While working on your accounts, you realize that you have lost a receipt, while you were on the road. What do you do? Make sure to come up with system to safeguard all your receipts, so that this situation do not arise. If the receipt you have lost is gas, toll receipt, it may not always be possible to get a duplicate receipt. However, if its an activity or hotel/ camp stay, you can always attempt to call respective vendors and try to get duplicate receipts. We do understand that in some situations you will not always be able to get duplicate copy, in that case when you are turning in your accounts, drop a line regarding missing receipt, so that we are aware that you are missing a receipt and we will get that charge approved by your manager.
Before you turn in your accounts to finance for processing, you are supposed to login to BOA online account and look for charges for which you do not have receipts. Upon doing this scan, you realize that you have couple of charges on your credit card, for which you do not have receipts. What would you do ? When you are turning in your accounts, make sure to mention charges for which you are missing receipts. Instead of we contacting you, we want you guys to proactively tell us about it and start working on getting receipts for the charges.
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