The Distribution of Energy


High School Diploma Advanced Topics in Modern Chemistry Flashcards on The Distribution of Energy, created by Sergio Martinez on 31/05/2016.
Sergio Martinez
Flashcards by Sergio Martinez, updated more than 1 year ago
Sergio Martinez
Created by Sergio Martinez over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
W thermodynamic probability
T temperature
Boltzmann Law ratio of particles in any two levels to the difference of energy between levels nj/ni = e^-deltaE/k*T predicts the MPD for a system
degeneracy when two levels have the same energy, their populations are equivalent
n0 population of the lowest level : n0 = n(1-e^deltaE/KT)
j number of populated levels : j = ln[n(1-e^-deltaE/kT)] / (deltaE / KT)
k Boltzmann constant : 1.381*10^-23 J/K
R ideal gas constant : 8.31451 J/mol*K
microstate a specific way that particles and energy can be arranged within a system
continuous weak coupling constant collisions between particles where they can transfer energy
Ea activation energy : assuming j = the energy level a particle needs to reach in order to react, deltaE from i=0 to i=j is the same as the Ea
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