Real World Psychology Chapter 1


PSYCH 2301
Chris McNamee
Flashcards by Chris McNamee, updated more than 1 year ago
Chris McNamee
Created by Chris McNamee almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
The scientific study of behavior and mental process Psychology
The process of objectively evaluating, comparing, analyzing, and synthesizing information Critical Thinking
Was the leading force in the functionalist school. Broadened psychology to include animal behavior and biological processes. Established the first psychology laboratory in the USA, at Harvard. William James
An approach to understanding behavior and mental processes and unresolved conflicts Psychoanalytic Perspective
An approach to understanding behavior and mental processes that emphasizes unconscious dynamics, internal motives, conflicts, and past experiences; actions are viewed as stemming from inherited instincts, biological drives, and attempts to resolve conflicts between personal needs and social requirements Psychodynamic Perspective
An approach to understanding behavior and mental processes that emphasizes objective, observable environmental influences on behavior Behavioral Perspective
Rejected the practice of introspection and the influence of unconscious forces. John B. Watson
Was convinced that behaviorist approaches could be used to shape human behavior B. F. Skinner
An approach to understanding behavior and mental processes that perceives human nature as naturally positive and growth seeking; it emphasizes free will and self-actualization. Humanistic Perspective
The study of optimal human functioning; it emphasizes positive emotions, traits, and institutions Positive Psychology
An approach to understanding behavior and mental processes that focuses on thinking, perceiving, and information processing Cognitive Perspective
An approach to understanding behavior and mental processes that focuses on genetics and biological processes in the brain and other parts of the nervous system Biological Perspective
An approach to understanding behavior and mental processes that stresses natural selection, adoption, and evolution; it assumes that mental capabilities evolved over millions of years to serve particular adaptive purposes Evolutionary Perspective
An approach to understanding behavior and mental processes that emphasizes the social interaction and cultural determinants of behavior and mental processes Sociocultural Perspective
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